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Using LVM Files in Multisim

LVM files are tab delimited text files that are easily configured in LabVIEW using an Express VI called "Write To Measurement File" that is found on the top row of the File I/O palette.  Since they are tab delimited they can be easily read and managed in a variety of ways such as Microsoft Excel.

Conveniently, Multisim provides 2 LVM sources (LVM_VOLTAGE and LVM_CURRENT) that can easily be used to bring in specific LabVIEW data into Multisim.   This waveform data can originate from a variety of places, included simulated waveforms, DAQ based waveform acquisitions (sensors, voltage, currents) and PXI based measurements (scopes/digitizers, DSAs, flexible resolution digitizers) and more.

One catch is that there is one default setting that needs to be changed before the data can be easily imported into Multisim using one of the LVM source components.  Multisim needs to have an explicit time column when importing data, therefore when configuring the "Write To Measurement" you need to explicity set the 'X Value Columns' to "One column Only"  as the default is 'Empty column' - which will not work when imported to Multisim!

See the attached files for additional documentation and sample files to try.

Multisim v11

LabVIEW 2009

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