Enhanced Icon Editor

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Wrong icon in editor!?

OK, here's a strange one that seems to be happening a lot on my Vista machine...

1. I open up a VI, edit it's icon, copy something, and cancel the edit (ie, copying a graphic or something from an existing icon).

2. Straight after, I open up a second VI, go to edit it's icon (ie I want to paste in the graphic I just copied)... HOWEVER, for some strange reason I keep ending up with the previous VI's icon. If I click OK, then the previous VI's icon is set as the icon for the current VI but something is clearly a little fishy with the "load VI's icon" functionality.

I have tried the following to no avail:

1. installing the updated files on this group

2. trying Phillippe's version (from the LAVA download, including latest v1.6 version)

Here's a screencast of what's happening (I currently have Phillippe's version loaded, but the effect is the same). It's worth highlighting that when the dialog first appears the correct icon is very briefly shown.


Any ideas as to what is going on and ideally how I (or anyone else!) can fix it?


X-Posted to Improved Icon Editor discussion on Lava: http://lavag.org/topic/10794-discuss-improved-lv-2009-icon-editor/page__st__20

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This actually happened to me several time, and I was able to replicate it for the first time last Friday.


I have notified NI about it.


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Message 2 of 5

I could reproduce it reliably a couple minutes ago and I fixed one VI.

I have to run some more tests, but it seems to be a feasible workaround for the current behavior.

The question why it happens is still open though.

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Message 3 of 5


Please, let me know when you feel confident that the workaround is stable. I would love to integrate it in my customize version of the icon editor.



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Message 4 of 5

The latest update over in the documents section fixes this issue for me

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