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Forum reputation

Congrats on the job Intaris.


I know some people mentioned your LabVIEW Champion title probably helped as well.  I had the same thought.  The main reason I got my foot into the door at my soon-to-be new company is due to my certification (CLA).  One of the guys said "I know your name.  I see it when I check the certification lists."


Here's hoping you can stay active on these boards.  I know I've learned from your posts.

There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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"Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God" - 2 Corinthians 3:5
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 15

Congratulations Shane!


It is not a big secret that I have recently gone through a similar experience, I do understand that a NI forum reputation can really add to that interview process.


That badge adds quite a bit too- but not as much as the ability to contribute to the forums by actually knowing a few things about developing software in LabVIEW.


One Question: How many times were you asked "What is a LabVIEW Champion?"

{shore story time}

1 week looking, 1 interview, 2 offers.  I was asked the question "What is a LabVIEW Champion?" from 8 different persons from recruiters to hiring managers.  I have accepted an offer.  The one I did not interview with!


I shared, in another forum, that I had been invited to participate at the local NI symposium in a "Ask the expert" panel.


I did bring the magic 8-Ball I received as a Christmas present from Santa and displayed it during the panel.  Some audience members looked confused by the display.  Some recognized it!  My next manager was in the audience.


I hope you have a shamrock to bring with you!

{end shore story}



"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Message 12 of 15



congrats to you are in order as well.  1 Interview, 2 offers, it'll be hard topiing that.


sidenote:  I wouldn't bring a shamrock to an interview in Switzerland because they don't really have a word for shamrock and end up calling it clover which leads to a longwinded discussion and normally some butthurt discussion parners.


So maybe I should change my avatar.....

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 15

@Robert Cole wrote:

Congratulations on the job offers.


Enjoy the work and I'm sure you will do them proud (if your forum contributions are any indication).


Are you taking both or can you direct one of them to offer the job to us contractors on the forums?



Rob-  or anyone thinking of a summer in the Twin Cities -I can provide a company name.  They do need a high end LabVIEW developer to aid a transition.  Anyone near "The Zoo"? ditto! I can provide a contact.


PM me

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 15

@Jeff Bohrer wrote:

Rob-  or anyone thinking of a summer in the Twin Cities -I can provide a company name.  They do need a high end LabVIEW developer to aid a transition.  Anyone near "The Zoo"? ditto! I can provide a contact.


PM me

Thanks Jeff, but it doesn't look like we're too interested in going that far north, especially with nowhere to stay. Perhaps some day when we're tired of the Florida summer (like we're not tired of the heat already).



0 Kudos
Message 15 of 15