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How do I get the user name from the data that is logged in Citadel into a template in DIAdem? (The account (login) name of the account identified by user id)

How do I get the user name from the data that is logged in Citadel into a template in DIAdem? (The account (login) name of the account identified by user id)
Roy L. Costa
Email: roycosta@hotmail.com
Catalyst Test Engineer
General Motors Warren Tech Center (R & D)
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Message 1 of 2
Hi Roy,

If we can import the user name into the Data Portal in DIAdem, it'll be a simple matter to have that property reflected onto a REPORT layout. But where is the "user name" stored in Citadel? I see a couple of computer names in the hierarchy, but I don't see any user names. Is it perhaps attached to an alarm condition? Can you see this user name in MAX somewhere associated with the Citadel db? If so, please tell me where, and we'll see if we can import it.

Brad Turpin
DIAdem Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
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