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Next meeting: July 21st. Packed Project Libraries & ...

Hope everyone is having a terrific summer!

Our next meeting is July 21st and we will be in Golden.

Yes....  I am looking for one more gullible soul to present.  If you don't have a specific topic, you could start with one of the presentations at the "LabVIEW User Group Resource Center"  Another thought would be a recap of some of the hot discussions on LAVA or a summery of the "Best" of the community groups.

Yes, we will cover Packed Project Libraries (these are really cool!!!).  This will be more of a deep dive discussion than the basic overview.  So come with the tough questions.  Or better yet, toss me an email in advance.

Finally, we'll save 15 minutes to discuss some new events that might hit CO in the next 6-9 months.  We may pilot a CLD summit and we have some other "Hands-On" training ideas brewing.  CO is a great place to experiment with new ideas and we need your feedback.

So if you want to present and save me from calling everyone, toss me a email at

Thanks and looking forward to the 21st!

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For those who are not familiar with the LabVIEW User Group Resource Center, you can access it at the following link:

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Hi Nancy,

Packed Project Libraries are cool, but I've had to temporarily abandon them due to cross-platform issues.

Specifically, I would like to use a packed project library to provide functionality to an application that may be used on many platforms (PC, RT, cRIO, Mac, Linux).  Think of a reuse library in a .lvlibp, that is protected, obfuscated, etc.  But since a different .lvlibp is generated for each platform (with very good reason), I cannot point the code to one place. i.e. I have to change my calling VIs to handle the various platforms.  Basically, the lack of intelligence makes packed project libraries useless to me at the moment.  Yet another feature the could be perfect for my needs, but just barely fails.

What I'd like to see is the packed project library to be modified such that the calling VIs point to one place (one .lvlibp file) and the compiler be smart enough to call the correct object file depending on platform.

Any idea if this will be addressed in the future?



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Message 3 of 11

What room and time for the meeting at CSM on July 21?

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Matt,  great feedback.  These are the types of questions that I'd like to have before the meeting.  Yes, at NIC there is an understanding the PPLs could do more.  (Putting on my NI kool-aid hat).  Sometimes new features miss the mark unintentionally.  Sometimes NI releases an initial feature with the "ooch" approach, trusting that the early adopters will provide the direction for maturing the feature.  Case in point:  the project as released in 8.0. 

I'll research this one and have answers before or at the ALARM meeting.


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Room 123:

See Building 14:

Lot CT is the best one to use.  No charge after 5PM.

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Message 6 of 11

Thanks Nancy,  I think the PPL is awesome and my issues with it are based on wanting easier cross-platform use.  Honestly, I think the packed project library is the best way to distribute reuse code, toolkits, etc. I look forward to the presentation.

Also, let me know if you still need presenters. I don't have anything prepared, but have plenty of half-done presentations. I'm actually finishing some slides on using microsoft charting via .NET for my 2nd UI presentation for NOCLUG. I could do a short talk on that if there is interest.


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Message 7 of 11

I really wish I could make this meeting since I missed the last one and have recently done some Web UI builder projects for NREL that I could demo.

Unfortunately (or actually fortunately), I can't make this one since I'll be traveling to Cabo that day with my new bride on our honeymoon.

That's 2 meetings in a row I've missed now (a record for me), but I will see you all at NI Week in August!

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Message 8 of 11

Really John   You put a honeymoon trip with your absolutely lovely bride above our geeked out ALARM meeting?  Have a great time.  You will be missed!

And can I put you on the agenda for the meeting that I host?

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Message 9 of 11

Yippee!!!!  CLA rock star Steve Solga will also be presenting.  Some of us have been stuck in the rut of the Queue Driven State Machine (okay  -  we are stuck in the rut because it is a very good design pattern).  But Steve will challenge us with another pattern that is User Event Driven.  For those of you that missed the "Spy vs Spy" or Justin Goers (JKI) vs Norm Kirchner (NI) at NIWeek 2010, this should be a great challenge for us to rethink how we've been architecting in the past.

(Psst: Hey Steve, no pressure)

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