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Sept 15th meeting

I just updated the schedule of meetings. We recently discussed having the meeting 3 or 4 times a year instead of the six that we used to have and I've updated the schedule to reflect that. Please let me know if that's ok.


I'm trying to get a venue arranged somewhere at the Colorado School of Mines. I'll also be steaming it online with a Zoom account.
Dinner will be provided.
I have a few presenters already but more are always welcome so if you want to present please let me know.


Thanks!!! and see you soon.

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I was loading the dates into my calendar and noticed that 1/15/2023 is a Sunday.  Is that what you intended?



Steve Drouilhet
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You're right, thanks.
I've updated the dates with the 3rd thursday as the correct date.

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I've setup the Zoom meeting, more details to come on the venue and presentations.


Ben Manthey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Sept 2022 ALARM
Time: Sep 15, 2022 06:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 861 8275 5400
Passcode: 200961
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Meeting ID: 861 8275 5400
Passcode: 200961
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Prevent your computer from sleeping programmatically!
Use Power Requests
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Message 4 of 6

Thanks to Buddy for getting us a venue, it'll be at CSM Brown Hall, Room W250 

Prevent your computer from sleeping programmatically!
Use Power Requests
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Message 5 of 6

Here's a copy of the recorded Zoom meeting if anybody needs it for certification points:


Thanks for meeting up again, it was good to see you all,


Prevent your computer from sleeping programmatically!
Use Power Requests
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