FIRST Robotics Competition Discussions

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3D Robot Representation and Moving It

Hello all. I am currently a student on FRC Team 279 and myself and a mentor are seriously considering implementing a drivetrain known as "Jester" or "Mecanum." If you are not familar with it, here is a forklift that uses it, and here is the programming code that has been used on multiple robots on several teams. I have a 3 axis usb controller that I am programming with, as well as a licensed version of LABView that was provided to our team. What i want to do with this is first create a visual representation of the robot and 2008 field. the robot can be as simple as a scale square or create a 3D object of both. I currently have a very, very simple 2D picture of the robot and field. I have added a simple, event based motion system and boundries using comparison. What i would like to do with this is make a 3D version of it and use the contorller and code to make it move. My question is HOW?!?! i see that there are are 3D functions but i'm completely confused as to how to make them work. can i get some help with these from somebody, or at least a tutorial link.

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Message 1 of 3

I did find these two 3d picture control tutorials on the web. Do they help you?

Joel Sumner
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Message 2 of 3

Thank you for the tutorial pages, they have helped alot in getting me started, however, what i am specifically looking for is having a stationary field element under and/or around a moving 'robot' object. Do you know if this is possible to do, and if so, how could i do it?

thanks again for the help.

Okay, it shows in this picture in the scene object invoke node that there is a set geometry method but i can't find it/don't have it. i'm using the licensced labview full dev.

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