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Trouble Downloading NXT Firmware V 1.31

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I am having trouble downloading the firmware to the NXT Brick using the LabView software. The software does not acknowledge that the NXT brick is connected to the USB port. I get the following error message:

"Cannot locate NXT to download firmware. This operation require a USB connection, it will not work over Bluetooth."

I have turned the bluetooth off and have a direct connection between the PC and the NXT brick via a USB cable.

Any thoughts on what to do next?

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Message 1 of 4

To add to the mystery, I was able to download the firmware to the NXT Brick (multiple NXT Bricks) using my MAC. I was unable to do this on my IBM compatible. Does this make sense to anyone?

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Message 2 of 4
Accepted by topic author robhillman

Hi Rob,

Did you install all the required software on your computer from the following website? If you think you may have a corrupt installation on the IBM computer, you could try repairing the software. The device drivers are what should allow you to locate the device:

Did you follow the steps listed on page 4-1 of the following manual:

Connecting to the NXT device from the FTC Controller Station for the first time can take up to one minute. Subsequent connections take less time. Also, ensure you entered the correct name of the NXT device in the NXT Name text box in the FTC Controller Station. This field is case sensitive.

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 3 of 4

You may need to force the NXT hardware into firmware update mode by pressing the button on the back of the brick, using a paper clip or screwdriver. The versions of 2012 SP1 and 2013 releases of the LabVIEW Module for LEGO MINDSTORMS with EV3 support introduced an error discovering NXT bricks with ROBOTC firmware. This is resolved in the versions that will be put up for FTC in the near future (before the FTC season).

reset_nxt (1).JPG

Message 4 of 4