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Separate Compiled code setting not obeyed

Dear all,

I have noticed that the VI crated by the g# helper tools dont' obey the separate compile code project setting. This is a bit annoying when using source control system wherby at the end of a coding session the programmer has to remmeber to mark maually all the VIs created by the g# helper tools.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 13

I can only agree. I noticed this when I had the chance to start using this setting in my current project. It is strange that even if the option is set globally in the LabVIEW options, G# will create VIs without this setting.

I have already added this as an issue in our system. I hope we can find the time to fix it soon.

What I have done as a workaround is to run a VI which sets this on all VIs recursively, which does not already have it set. There are some examples here: https://lavag.org/topic/12886-experience-with-separate-compiled-code-from-source-lv-2010/page-2.



Certified LabVIEW Architect
Message 2 of 13


This should of course be added. We do have it for issues like "Place terminals as icons" and "Enable Auto Grow" settings, but the separate compile should be added as well. This must be quite simple. The reason it is not included is most probably since G#s main development was in LV2009 and I do believe this property wasn't available back then and it has simply has not been an issue until now. Thanks for reminding us.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 13

Hi again,

I had a look on this issue, but we still keep the G# source code in LV2010 and since this setting is not available in LV2010, we need to wait to implement this until we decide to move source code to a later version. I promise to put it on the to-do list. However, when we decide to move the code, it is a very simple thing to do, since we already do this for auto grow of structures and place terminals as icons. One more settings is no problem.


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 13

Hi Mathias.

I just has a look at LV2010SP1 which supports "Separating Compiled Code".   Was that feature actually introduced with the SP1?


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 13

Hi Mattias,

I solved this in GDS by adding my own support VIs in the vi.lib\Utility -folder, if they didn't already exist

  • Apply New Library Tools-Options Settings.vi
  • Apply New VI Tools-Options Settings.vi

The VIs hade the same connector pane that layout as the real VIs. That made it possible to call this VI in the code for older versions. Of course these VIs were just empty, but that made it possible to get this feature working when recompiling it for newer versions.

Either that (add them if they don't exists), or just try to call them by VI-server if they exists.


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 13


Yes, you are right, it is supported, but I can't see the environment option "Separate Compile Code Option for new files" in LV2010 Tools->Options->Environment. The VI Property "ContainsCompiledCode" exist. I see that now. It is these environment settings that we use when creating new VIs to make the new VIs look as your environment settings. That's why assumed it wasn't supported, but I can set it from VI Properties in LV2010. The new VIs created are not scripted, but cloned from the G#Template class. I can read the environment key, but it will not exist for LV2010 and then not applied, but will work in LV 2012(?) and later then. We will add this feature in the next version, no problem.

Thanks for correcting me,


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 13

Dear Mattias,


given a more or less new release would it be possible to add the option to separate compiled code as requested in the original post?


This is extremely useful for version control purposes.


Best regards



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 13

This was supported soon after Mattias's latest post about it, in 2015, from G# framework 1.6.1.

Certified LabVIEW Architect
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 13

Dear Thols,


I checked and it doesn't seem to work in LV2017 and the latest version of G#.


I attache a project containing a class. The class was generated after enabling the Separate Compiled Code option within the project.


Am I missing something?





0 Kudos
Message 10 of 13