Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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Drivers for GPIB-USB-HS not seen in NI Max after Installing NIVISA488.2 V18.5


I intially Installed the latest NIVISA 488.2 software but one of the programs I use stated that it only works with NIVISA 488.2 V18.5. Therefore I uninstalled the latest NIVISA and reinstalled V18.5. Now when I open up NI MAX, the drivers are not seen on my GPIB-USB-HS devices. I have unsinstalled 18.5 many times and the drivers are still unavailable.

Any advise would be appreciated.

Many Thanks


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Message 1 of 4

It's extremely rare that a software application would really need a specific version of NI VISA. NI VISA is a mature software with a rather stable API, and while an application might use a certain feature that was not available in an earlier version, the opposite almost never happens.


So did you just remove NI VISA and are still trying to run the greatest and latest NI Max with an older NI VISA version? That certainly has a potential to not go well. NI Max integrates very tightly with the various drivers and a new NI Max version might expect to have APIs and functions available that an older version of NI VISA did not have and then simply concludes that it must be not installed.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 2 of 4

Hi Ralf

I initially installed the latest NI VIsa which included the latest NI MAX. I tested the GPIB-USB-HS device with NI Max and it communicated with all the connected Test Equipment on the GPIB Bus. Having realised that the program I needed to run stated that it only works with NI VIsa V18.5 I then uninstalled the latest NI Visa and all NI Visa related programs as per the attached which the Unsinstall process does not remove. I then installed V18.5 and now NI Max does not work as it states that the Drivers are missing.

Is there something else I need to uninstall from the latest Version that might be corrupting Version 18.5 to work?

Many Thanks


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Message 3 of 4



Has anyone come across this issue before?  Really need some advice.

Many Thanks


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Message 4 of 4