LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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I would also like to thank the both of you for all your time and effort. Your help is greatfully appreciated.

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Message 11 of 78

It kind of looks like you don't have all the files.  Just open it directly from the files that I posted and it should compile just fine.  I got it to compile only after upgrading to Arduino 1.0.1 but I didn't have the same error.

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Message 12 of 78

Ya you were right. I did get the firmware successfully uploaded, but Im having trouble getting a read out on the Read Errors 5002 and 5003 pop up  when I try to run the vis saying it wasnt able to establish a connection with the Arduino board.Obviously the computer is communicating with the arduino, so Im not quite sure why labVIEW isnt, I do have the COM ports correctly connected also. I might just have a simple error in my VI also. Here is what I have for my vi so far, could you critique it for me? Thanks again Nathan.

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Message 13 of 78

I can't really help you if that is your code because you are not using the VI that I created for you.

Also, it's possible that those errors are actually being caused in init.

I will create an example for you since it's actually not all that straight forward to do.  Not sure when I will get to it though.

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Message 14 of 78

My fault. I only saw the front panel of your VI so I assumed it was meant to read out the data from another VI.I was able to pull up teh block diagram and I simply put in the init and close commands in the VI in place of the resource icons. When I run it both the temp and humidity read 255. Isn't the Read Data Vi meant to be able to read the DHT information, or does more code need to be added to the VI to do so? I attached the modified version of Read also. Thanks.

Message 15 of 78

Read should never be edited.  It is a function to be used in another VI.

EDIT:  I've updated the archive in post 7.  It now has an example of how to properly use the VI/Library that I've created for you.

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Message 16 of 78

hello nathan_B man i did dowlnload your ZIP. file and found something Wrong in the example you did not define the PIN you are going to read from you did the program and every thing except the where is the PIN mode that u gonna use ??????

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Message 17 of 78

It seems that I have it hardcoded to pin 2 in the firmware.  Also, the firmware code that is included in the zip file is out-dated and would need to be updated to the latest version of LIFA.

Also, unfortunately, I never received a "it's working" response from reillyc and I don't have one of these sensors to test.

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Message 18 of 78

thanks for reply .. the thing is am using this sensor for my graduation project and am about to use 10s of it so i wonder how to specify the pin Inside the VI not in the frimware since i cant connect any digital read block to your Block (you have done for both Temp and Humidty) ....... thanks again for effort

and i did updated the LIFA for the latest and added the 2 floders DHT11cpp and DHT11.h.....

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Message 19 of 78

I will look into updating this for you and adding the ability to choose the pin in the VI.  I'll have too look through it to see if there was some reason that I chose to hard code it.

I'll try to do this within the next couple days.  If you don't hear from me by Wednesday, send me a PM to remind me.

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Message 20 of 78