LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Labview for Arduino Leonardo??

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Accepted by topic author williamnick

I spoke with Ryan B about this and it turns out he already got the Leonardo working with LIFA and documented  it (awesome!!) here:

Let us know if you get it working based on these instructions.

-Sam K

LIFA Developer

Message 11 of 23

Hi Sammy,

this is great. It works fine! Thank you Ryan B. The documentation is well understandable.


0 Kudos
Message 12 of 23

om not able to conect my arduino leonardo can someone send me the lifa rar or some kind of stuff to understand what i need to do im from mexico so i cant hardly understand this post

hope you people can help me

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Message 13 of 23

i modified the last Version of the Firmware. Now Stepper with Leonardo works '

-> You just need to ADD "Leonardo" in the LabVIEW init VI.

Message 14 of 23

What do you mean exactly for Add " Leonardo" ? Is it just to add it to the device control? It will be treated in the default case for the Init VI?

I' m having the same problem connecting Leonardo and LIFA. With your mod I managed to download the firmware to the Leonardo but I have the following problem when trying to use a simple example:

Error -1073807360 occurred at VISA Clear in LabVIEW Interface for>LabVIEW Interface for Arduino.lvlib:Arduino Analog Read

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Message 15 of 23

My arduino micro is working with LIFA, stepping motor also.

I've changed some parameters for leonardo chip set. not sure for IR(actually I skip)

Procedure: Following driver

2.extract to %~~~%\LabVIEW 2013/vi.lib\LabVIEW Interface for Arduino\Firmware\LIFA_Base\

3.Sketch LIFA.ino with arduino skecher

4. Use LV original arduino sub VIs. it's working!

Goog Luck

Download All
Message 16 of 23

Could you please upload a more accessible archive (a .zip file)?

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Message 17 of 23

New zip file uploaded... good luck!

Message 18 of 23

Hey guys,

I added Leonardo support to the latest build of LINX (  I don't have a leonardo so I'd really appreciate it if someone could test it out and post feed back (positive or negative) on the LINX forums at


-Sam K

LabVIEW Hacker

Join / Follow the LabVIEW Hacker Group on google+

Message 19 of 23

Hello firends i  use labview hacker and the procedure is the same only the difference is that you have the compatibility for arduino leonardo in the .ino of LH (labview hack)  but en the arduino interface toolkit only you have for UNO , MEGA, and DUEMiLanove

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Message 20 of 23