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DETT Over Multiple Days

Can DETT only be run over a single day?  I've been running code for multiple days and been logging with DETT, but when I went back to check it, there were only about a 100 entries, and all the data seemed to have been within the span of about an hour.  Is there a way to make DETT log for multiple days??  Thanks!

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Message 1 of 5

The only limit I know of is in the Data tab:




If that's set to 100 and Stop Tracing, it will (I assume) stop tracing at 100 events...



I never used it for days though, but I definitely have seen more then 100 events.

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Message 2 of 5

Yeah I have it set to a pretty large number and to discard oldest, and I've definitely seen more than 100 before, which is why this is so strange to me.  If you discard oldest while enabled logging I'm pretty sure it won't discard oldest in the Log file, just on the UI

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Message 3 of 5

Not sure what else could cause this.

Makes me want to work on my LV interface, because everything DETT does, can be done from LV or in a LV build executable...

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Message 4 of 5

Yeah I've started to think about doing this as well.  The main reason I did it in the first place was I was trying to track down a memory leak, but doing this DETT replacement in LabVIEW may have unforseen consequences, as after all the memory is used up, everything takes quite a bit to run and errors are quite frequent.  I wonder actually if that's what happened to DETT

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Message 5 of 5