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Grayed-out buttons during run-time


In Labview, is it possible to cause a Front-Panel control to be
grayed-out and disabled during run-time due to another control being
activated. My VI is used for board control/configuration, and has
several different modes of operation. If I select a certain mode, I
would like all controls not related to that mode to be grayed-out and

Thanks in advance,

Message 1 of 23
Yes. Create a property node for the control and select the Disabled property. Right click the property node and select Change to Write. A zero value wired to it enables the control, 1 disables it, and 2 disables and grays it out. In some versions of LabVIEW, the property node is called an attribute.
Message 2 of 23
Create a property node for any control you want to disable.
Right-click on control and select Create >> Property Node.
Right-click on the property node and select Change To Write.
Right-click on the property node and select Properties >> Disabled.
Wire the following constant to the property node, depending on what you want to do:
0 = Enabled
1 = Disabled
2 = Disabled and grayed out
Don't forget to enable again at some point. You may want to initialize you controls to some default enabled/disabled state when you start your program.
Message 3 of 23
I often find that I want to do this to a bunch of front panel controls when a give process starts / stops. A nice way to group them is to create an array of references (during an initialization step for example) of all the controls to gray out, then feed that array to a subvi that performs the same operation on each reference. Please see the attached vi's and post back if you have questions.

~ Tim
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Message 4 of 23
Al S wrote in message news:<>...
> Create a property node for any control you want to disable.
> Right-click on control and select Create >> Property Node.
> Right-click on the property node and select Change To Write.
> Right-click on the property node and select Properties >> Disabled.
> Wire the following constant to the property node, depending on what
> you want to do:
> 0 = Enabled
> 1 = Disabled
> 2 = Disabled and grayed out
> Don't forget to enable again at some point. You may want to
> initialize you controls to some default enabled/disabled state when
> you start your program.

Thanks, guys, for the quick replies. Much simpler to do than I thought
(slightly embarassed!), but my fro
nt-panel is much-more user friendly
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 23
can someone convert to 6.0.2 please

Thanx, Paul.S
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Message 6 of 23
Here are the files in 6.0
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Message 7 of 23
thanx blimpieboy

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 23

How can I make controls enabled when I stop the program from front panel? They are always grayed out now.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 23



         Enable all buttons outside main loop, so when you run your vi, even if your buttons were disabled, it will be enabled. other operations remains the same

Thanking you,
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Message 10 of 23