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I have a few basic questions with Mathscript node. Could you please help me out with this?


1. What is the difference between Mathscript Node and Matlab Script node. I think it is just the change of name for LabVIEW 8 and after, please correct me if I am wrong.

2. If I am calling a mathscript in LabVIEW, do I need matlab also to be installed or would the matlab run time engine be required.

3. If I create a dll in LabVIEW using mathscript node and try to use in a third party software like C++, do I need run time engine of both LabVIEW and Matlab to be installed on the stand along PC.

4. Has anyone come across documentation for the supported matlab functions in Mathscript node?


Could someone please throuw some light on these.




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Message 1 of 2

Here's some answers for you:

  1. They are different beasties. MathScript was invented by NI. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Matlab. It's a different language, though it closely resembles C. In kind of the same way that C++ resembles C, though it's a different language.
  2. Matlab is not required to use MathScript.
  3. As noted, Matlab is not required to use MathScript.  You should be fine with the RunTime Engine.
  4. Since MathScript is not Matlab, this question is somewhat meaningless. The LabVIEW Help contains all of the functions that MathScript has. You will see that most of them are quite similar to Matlab functions, but you will also find numerous differences. 


Special Note: Starting with LabVIEW 2009 a separate, you must buy, license is required for MathScript. This applies to the development environment as well.

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