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Regarding conflicts

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     i did one project in my system, when i tried to copy the project and open the vi in another system where labview was installed,im getting the conflict message, then i tried to resolve the conflicts atlast the vi opened without the changes..(means i made some correction while working in my system and saved it,whenever i open the project in my system the vi  opens with the exact changes but not in another system)..

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Message 1 of 5

Interesting story.  Do you have a question we can help you with?

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Message 2 of 5

Normally conflict happens when you have vi with same name in two projects and labview loads that file from wrong location.

And when you try to open it on other PC it gives conflict error or Vi missing error.

What conflict message you get?

Gaurav k
CLD Certified !!!!!
Do not forget to Mark solution and to give Kudo if problem is solved.
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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author Sumithra_Nagappan

open the conflicting VI on your PC(where changes are shown) then open VI properties and select the general catagory. and see the VI path in location.

now copy this perticular VI to the other PC in appropriate folder (Where changes are not shown) then open this copied VI first and then open your code.


Please note that if the unsaved changes are in subVIs as well then you will have to follow this process for all affected SubVIs


However please note whatever i have suggested is just a quick fix and should not treated as general process of resolving conflicts. you must follow the standard guideline for saving your projects.

Tushar Jambhekar

Jambhekar Automation Solutions
LabVIEW Consultancy, LabVIEW Training
Rent a LabVIEW Developer, My Blog

Message 4 of 5

thank you sir....i rectified this problem yesterday itself,and the mistake was as you said..

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Message 5 of 5