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measurement and control via Producer/Consumer

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Hello folks,


Iam trying to realise an automated projekt, for testing an actuator.

It has to Measure the Signals, process them and also has to create signals controling the actuator.


So far no Problem....But,it also has to run trough 3 or more Test-cycles of wich each has different ControlSignals.

(example: Test1 - input: 40VSin(40Hz), Test2 - input:Triangle, Test 3 - input: 100Vsin(100Hz)

It still doesnt sound quite difficult, but as an LabView beginner, i´m having a lot of trouble finding the Right Structure to realise all This. normally i use SPS systems, but this time it has to be Labview :S 

Had some trys an hav uploaded them.

But The Producer/Consumer Structure makes some Problems. It doesnt give out any Signals from the ProducerLoop. 😕

Is there any outher way programing Labview more efficient for that Problem ?

Sorry 4 the bad English



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11

At a quick glance it seems to me the while loop inside the upper while loop is blocking the Consumer loop,

if you don't press "Ready 2 Go Cases".

What's the function of this while loop?




0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11

@MarioMueller wrote:

Hello folks,


Iam trying to realise an automated projekt, for testing an actuator.

It has to Measure the Signals, process them and also has to create signals controling the actuator.


So far no Problem....But,it also has to run trough 3 or more Test-cycles of wich each has different ControlSignals.

(example: Test1 - input: 40VSin(40Hz), Test2 - input:Triangle, Test 3 - input: 100Vsin(100Hz)

It still doesnt sound quite difficult, but as an LabView beginner, i´m having a lot of trouble finding the Right Structure to realise all This. normally i use SPS systems, but this time it has to be Labview :S 

Had some trys an hav uploaded them.

But The Producer/Consumer Structure makes some Problems. It doesnt give out any Signals from the ProducerLoop. 😕

Is there any outher way programing Labview more efficient for that Problem ?

Sorry 4 the bad English



your architecture is hard to follow. i think you can do this with a state machine..write out your test requirements in steps and what requirement you need to transition. be more specific in describing your problems (error messeges?)..

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11
hello MarcoMauri, thank you for your reply The while loop, blocking the upper while loop, is the StateMachine. In wich I, planed to put the different analysis methodes of the Signals (comming into the Consumerloop aka the Queue) "Ready 2 Go" - is starting the StateMachine (Starting the analysis: Case 1-3). So that: in Case 1 - i process / analyse the signals with one Formular/Method in case 2 - with anouther Method. According to these ,time dependet measurements (case 1 2 3..) the control-signal has to be an different too. Hope the problem i have is now more clear. Greetings
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11
hello apok i tryed a lot stuff with the StateMachine. and i´m still trying to use it. Also in the first example (in the consumer loop) The whole stuff is about: Testing an actuator. Controling and measuring the Signal in/outputs The test ist divided in 3 or 4 different Types. and for eacht type i have to make an specified Control-Signal (analog out) and an analyse-formular/method. The test, should be automated. For example: Test 1 running 5 mins, then Test 2 for 3min, Test 1 with analog out of 100VSin , Test 2 with analog out of 150V sin .... Hope my simple example will make things more clear. I simplified the stuff as much as possible, using Express Vi.s greetings
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11



dont know why, but the post above are very bad formated.


hope its now better.


The Attachement were also missing, so now the second try.




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Message 6 of 11
Accepted by topic author MarMo

state machine...



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Message 7 of 11

hello apok

Thank you a lot !! 

Amazing how fast you just did this. Respect !!

I think, i was too focused on the Consumer/Producer structure. You think that the measurement ist accurate enough ? read a lot that man should prefer an Queue.


One more Time, Thanks a lot !

Message 8 of 11

Hi MarMo if you want to thank Apok you can give Kudos to his post and mark the issue as solved.




Message 9 of 11

Hello MarcoMauri.


Thanks for the Info.



Maybe one could help me a little more. Cause i´m now trying to port these State-Machine to an RealTime Project in Labview, running on an cRIO-Module.


Is it possible to just add my File to an RT-Project, or are there Parameters, etc,.., that are preloaded in the Project (when creating an RT-StateMachine-Project). So that i have to use the pre-buildet StateMachine-Construct.


gonna Add an Example, ass soon as i´m able to access my workplace again ://




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Message 10 of 11