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Installing NI-DAQmx 8.0.1 on Mandriva

  1. Before running the installer, you must have the following compiler facities installedfrom your Linux distribution CD or other Linux distribution medium:
    1. The GCC compiler and C++ support
    2. The make Utility
    3. The kernel source files for building kernel module that exactly correspond to the kernel version you are running. For Mandriva this is the kernel-<buildname>-devel package where buildname can be determined by running

      uname -r

    4. for test panels to work
  2. Download NI-DAQmx 8.0.1
  3. As root mount the NI-DAQmx 8.0.1 iso

    mkdir /mnt/daqmx

    mount -t iso9660 -o loop nidaqmx801.iso /mnt/daqmx

  4. Run the installation script

    cd /mnt/daqmx


  5. Follow the prompts to install the driver, rebooting if necessary.
  6. After reboot, open the terminal and type


    to list installed devices
  7. To allow DAQmxTestPanels to run, run the following as root

    mkdir /usr/local/lib/linux

    ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/local/lib/linux/

  8. Run DAQmxTestPanels by running

    DAQmxTestPanels --devid=<deviceidentifier>

    where <deviceidentifier> is the identifier shown when running nilsdev.


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Thanks for your explication but can you help me ? I have a problem for installation I made a discussion the title is Help Please

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