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NI Calibration Executive: Calibrating SCXI-1120/D Does Not Work

So, when I select the SCXI-1120D card from the drop-down, press calibrate, advance through all the calibration setup screens, the last screen I come to asks me to input the MIO Device number and Channel number and the SCXI Chassis number and SCXI Module Slot number. After I've input all the correct information and click continue, I get a pop-up telling me "An incorrect setting was chosen for SCXI 1120." Any thoughts on what I could be doing incorrectly or is this a problem with this specific procedure. When I look into NI MAX, I see my SCXI-1000 Chassis with its correct configuration under "Devices and Interfaces" and my PCI-6032E is under BOTH "Devices and Interfaces" and the "Traditional NI-DAQ Legacy Devices" device tree.

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Message 1 of 13

Hi JustinR,


How does your SCXI-1120D show up in MAX? Is it also under Devices and Interfaces and T-DAQ Leagcy Devices? Also, have you made sure you are using all of the required equipment listed in the Equipment Required to Calibrate NI Measurement Hardware white paper? Because the SCXI-1120/D is an older device, you will want it to be listed under Traditional NI-DAQ Legacy Devices and have the appropriate driver installed. Here is the link for the tDAQ driver:


Traditional NI-DAQ 6.9.3:


I hope this helps,


Anna L

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 13

Do I want the SCXI Chassis and card listed in both locations, or simply in the Tradional NI DAQ Legacy tree?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 13

Hi JustinR,


Only one driver can control the card at a time, so you want the card underneath Traditional DAQ devices only.


Anna L

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 13

Last question for you. The SCXI-1120/D Cards require you to change jumpers on the card as it is running. Do you know if there is an extender card that will insert into the chassis and allow the SCXI-1120/D to rest outside of the chassis?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 13

hi everybody, can somebody please share the calibration executive software :smileysad: i lost my back up :smileysad: please !!!

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 13

Hello Justin,


Have you looked at the SCXI Bus extender?  It can be found here and should work for you:




You should be able to log into and access the software that is associated with your account.  If you're having trouble though, I recommend you call into our support hotline at 866-275-6964.  If you have your serial number we can help you get it figured out!


Mason M
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 13

Ok, I am back again with somewhat the same issue. I just upgraded my system to Windows 7, have DAQmx 9.5 installed, NI MAX 5.6.0, and Traditional DAQ Drivers 7.5 for Windows 7. When I go into NI MAX, I only add the chassis and card to the Traditional tree and my PCI-6032E is listed under both the traditional tree and the Devices and Interfaces tree. When I go into Cal Exec, I get the same error as before that there is an incorrect setting. When I go back to NI MAX, I can still see the configuration as it was with these two exceptions: the SCXI-1120D is no longer listed in the chassis (the module slot says EMPTY) and if I try to test the chassis it tells me it can not be verified at the moment. I'm going in circles here and need a little help. No matter how many times I restart the computer and change how I enter the units in NI MAX, the card keeps disappearing when I close NI MAX.

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Message 8 of 13

Hi Justin,


Are you able to successfully self-test your SCXI-120D chard in MAX before you try to go through Calibration Executive? Can you use test panels? Also, have you been following this document, that explains how to make sure that your jumpers match the gain and filter settings?


Best regards,

Anna L

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 9 of 13

The jumpers should not play a part at this point as I can't even get to the configuration of the jumpers in Cal Exec. As for the self-test, I am not sure. If I have the chassis and card listed under "devices and Interfaces" I can run the self test and test panels, but I do not see those option when I move the chassis and card to the Traditional tree. I can only "Verify" the chassis and card, but as soon as I close out of NI Max it is as if I never added the card and if i try to verify the chassis under the Legacy tree it will tell me it can not be verified. I have to re-add them in order to verify them and then the card disappears as soon as I close NI MAX and the cycle repeats.

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Message 10 of 13