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VeriStand Steps for TestStand Feedback

Hi Eisuke,

There is a major difference between calling a stimulus profile and real-time sequence. The stimulus profile is non-deterministic and runs on the host PC. Similarly, a TestStand sequence is non-deterministic and runs on the host PC. The real-time sequence is determinisic and runs in real-time on the real-time target (if your target is a real-time target).

I recommend that the customer use a TestStand sequence instead of a stimulus profile. This will give them more flexibility with reporting (and they can select ATML files in TestStand).They can use the RT Sequence test steps to run and get pass/fail information. They can also add their own information to the report which a stimulus profile does not allow.


National Instruments
Senior Systems Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 41 of 292

Hi Eisuke,

There is a major difference between calling a stimulus profile and real-time sequence. The stimulus profile is non-deterministic and runs on the host PC. Similarly, a TestStand sequence is non-deterministic and runs on the host PC. The real-time sequence is determinisic and runs in real-time on the real-time target (if your target is a real-time target).

I recommend that the customer use a TestStand sequence instead of a stimulus profile. This will give them more flexibility with reporting (and they can select ATML files in TestStand).They can use the RT Sequence test steps to run and get pass/fail information. They can also add their own information to the report which a stimulus profile does not allow.


National Instruments
Senior Systems Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 42 of 292

Hi Eisuke,

There is a major difference between calling a stimulus profile and real-time sequence. The stimulus profile is non-deterministic and runs on the host PC. Similarly, a TestStand sequence is non-deterministic and runs on the host PC. The real-time sequence is determinisic and runs in real-time on the real-time target (if your target is a real-time target).

I recommend that the customer use a TestStand sequence instead of a stimulus profile. This will give them more flexibility with reporting (and they can select ATML files in TestStand).They can use the RT Sequence test steps to run and get pass/fail information. They can also add their own information to the report which a stimulus profile does not allow.


National Instruments
Senior Systems Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 43 of 292

Hi Eisuke,

There is a major difference between calling a stimulus profile and real-time sequence. The stimulus profile is non-deterministic and runs on the host PC. Similarly, a TestStand sequence is non-deterministic and runs on the host PC. The real-time sequence is determinisic and runs in real-time on the real-time target (if your target is a real-time target).

I recommend that the customer use a TestStand sequence instead of a stimulus profile. This will give them more flexibility with reporting (and they can select ATML files in TestStand).They can use the RT Sequence test steps to run and get pass/fail information. They can also add their own information to the report which a stimulus profile does not allow.


National Instruments
Senior Systems Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 44 of 292


I use Teststand 2014 (32-bit), and am looking to use the 'Get channel value' Veristand step. I get this error when runing the sequence.

Please note, I am using many other Veristand steps and they work well. The channel I am reading is a Veristand custom device input (can read this without a problem using Veristand RT sequence). The 'Set Channel value' step writing value to the same veristand custom device output also works fine.

Request you to suggest a solution, or point to where I am wrong.



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Message 45 of 292

Hello Kishore,

You need to include an Initialize VeriStand stop and a Stop VeriStand step in your sequence as well. This is how the appropriate File Globals get created in TestStand and also how the sequence knows which VeriStand project the sequence is mapped to. This is configured in the Initialize VeriStand step. It is recommendend that you put the Initialize VeriStand step in the Setup portion of your TestStand sequence and a Stop VeriStand step in the Cleanup portion.


National Instruments
Senior Systems Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 46 of 292

I'm running into an error that appears with any RT sequence that I create with Stimulus Profile Editor 2014.  When I try to use any of the 3 RT Sequence call steps from TestStand I get this error when browsing and selecting the 2014 RT Sequence:

RT Sequence Call.JPG

A blank 2014 RT Sequence will give me this error, but a blank 2013 RT Sequence loads just fine.  I'm using 2014 for TS and VS.  Any ideas?


0 Kudos
Message 47 of 292

Hi Holt,

Can you attach the two *.nivsseq files from your screenshot here?

Best Regards,


National Instruments
Senior Systems Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 48 of 292

Here you go Lynn.

Download All
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Message 49 of 292

Hi Holt,

The files are still queued for virus scanning, but judging from the error it looks like you are attempting to use Channel References in your real-time sequence. Right now we are only supporting Parameters (by reference) to tie to channels. I don't believe this is documented on the step page but I'll be sure to do that now.

I'll double-check the files when they are finished uploading but I was able to use a 2014 RT sequence with TestStand 2014 with parameters and not channel references.

Best Regards,


National Instruments
Senior Systems Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 50 of 292