Quick Drop Enthusiasts

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Quick Drop-n-Drag

Try this:


[your numeric constant shortcut]

The observed behaviour:

- The mouse down event places the numeric constant and keep it in focus for dragging the item around.

- Releasing the mouse button places the constant, selects the value and leaves it in the keyboard focus.

Good stuff.

Now try this:


[while loop]

The observed behaviour:

- The first mouse click (down-and-up) confirms the selection

- Second click (down-and-up) starts the drawing

- The third click ends the drawing.

What would be awesome would be the mouse down event is the start point for drawing a structure and mouse release ends drawing the structure.

- Cheers, Ed
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

Yes, I agree this would be cool, and I've requested it before. Unfortunately it requires changes in the mouse event handling code under the hood in LabVIEW, and that (non-trivial) work has never bubbled up in the feature priority list.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Do you think it might be something that could be done with some scripting in a QD plugin? I don't know how well scripting can parse mouse events.

I'll dive into it if somebody can say "maybe, yeah"

- Cheers, Ed
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

I don't think it's possible with scripting. Sorry, no "maybe, yeah" from me. 😕

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 4