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This VI shows the key advantage of using software timing over execution timing - maintaining responsiveness while timing a task.
Execution Timing:
We can use functions like "Wait (ms)" and "Wait Until Next mx Multiple" to control the execution speed of our LabVIEW VIs - this could be to set the rate of a loop or introduce delays to allow instruments to respond to a command.
Software Timing:
Software timing is used when we want a process to run for a given period of time. The VIs we use for this are the Elapsed Time Express VI, or we can create a functional global variable and use "Get Date/Time in Seconds".
Take a look at the attached VI to see the key advantage of using software timing over execution timing - maintaining responsiveness while timing a task. Both loops perform the same function - waiting for 10 seconds before displaying a dialog. Note that the software timed version can be interrupted, however the execution timing can't.
Steps to Implement or Execute Code
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