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Automation Software for an ancillary components test bench for the Student Design Competition 2013

Contact Information

University: HS Karlsruhe

Name: Friedrich Morlock

Email Address:

Submission Language

German, English

Project Information

Title: Automation Software for an ancillary components testbench


This software was implemented to automate a test bench for the research of the

degeneration of the ancillary components from the fixed revolution speed of the combustion engine of passenger and commercial vehicles.


- LabVIEW 2009

Hardware used in the project:

- HBM (Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH) QuantumX Modules: MX840, MX1609, MX878.

- ZES ZIMMER Electronic Systems GmbH: LMG500.

Software used in the project:

- LabVIEW drivers for the HBM QuantumX modules.

- LabVIEW drivers for the ZES LMG500 (these drivers need to be installed on the PC, before running the Software).

The Challenge

At the University in Karlsruhe, Germany they are researching if the degeneration of the ancillary components (e.g. alternator

and the air conditioning compressor) from the fixed revolution speed of the combustion engine of a vehicle occurs a

great decrease in the fuel consumption, which also means less emission of the dangerous gas CO2.

Therefore they want to develop a simulaton model to simulate the degeneration of the ancillary components from the engine.

However, to create the simulation model they need characteristic diagrams of the anccilary units.

For this reason, they built a test bench to measure diagrams of the anccilary units.

The assignment was to programm a software with LabVIEW to automate the test bench and

to determine the data of the measurements for being able to create the characteristic diagrams of the ancillary units.

The Solution




More information on the attached files !!!
