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The attached VI provides ping functionality on RT controllers running the VxWorks and the NI Linux Real-Time OS. Running the VI will return ping information for a device on the network.
Running this VI on a Phar Lap Real-Time target will only let the user know that a host name has been successfully located on a network, but will not return the IP address of the pinged host or the time to ping.
The attached VI provides ping functionality on RT controllers running the VxWorks and the NI Linux Real-Time OS. Running the VI will return ping information for a device on the network.
Running this VI on a Phar Lap Real-Time target will only let the user know that a host name has been successfully located on a network, but will not return the IP address of the pinged host or the time to ping.
Steps to Implement or Execute Code
Additional Information or References
VI Block Diagram
**This document has been updated to meet the current required format for the NI Code Exchange.**
Example code from the Example Code Exchange in the NI Community is licensed with the MIT license.
Works perfectelly using linux RT.
Just one point : the timeout is in seconds, not in milliseconds (wih linux, I didnt' check for other OS).
and also missing input output connections to use it as a sub-VI.
Hello everybody.
I'm using LabVIEW 14.0.1 and now i can't open the VI (LabVIEW 15.0).
Is there a way for me to open it or to see the code so i can build it myself?
Hello SierraFoxtrot,
I tried to add my own version using LabVIEW2013 on this document, but it need to be approved by this author (I can not add attached VI in this message)
If the modification is not approved quickly, I suggest you to open a new discussion on the NI forum and post a new message here with the link : I will be able to send you the VI using this way...
For information, my version is also using the DOTNET PING from this document (for the Windows PING):
Best regards,