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Wireless Monitoring with NI LabVIEW and NI WSN Measurement Nodes

DescriptionProducts Used

With the new NI Wireless Sensor Network Platform, we developed a wireless “Pong” game where you control your paddle by leaning back and forth on a balance board. The balance boards are outfitted with tilt sensors that output a voltage corresponding to the tilt of the board. NI WSN-3202 Analog Input nodes acquire the voltage signal from the tilt sensor on each board and, using LabVIEW WSN, perform a calculation to determine the speed and direction the player is attempting to move their paddle. This information is then relayed back to the PC.

Additionally, because the WSN measurement nodes are battery powered and easy to distribute over large distances, we are able to measure various attributes of the other demos distributed around the convention center, such as temperature and power consumption. Several nodes are programmed with LabVIEW WSN to condition the measurements they are taking.

Wireless Sensor Demo (LVZ).jpg

Products used:

- LabVIEW 2009
- LabVIEW Wireless Sensor Network Module Pioneer
- NI WSN-9791 Ethernet Gateway
- NI WSN-3202 Analog Input Measurement Node
- NI WSN-3212 Thermocouple Input Node

Todd S.
LabVIEW Community Manager
National Instruments