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Creating a grid of graphs


    i would like to make a table of graphs for those parameters which the user wishes. For example, If the user selects voltages vs time, current vs time, pressure vs time,.. all these graphs should be visible. if the user wants only one or two parameter's graph, there should not be others and the visible graphs should be resizable to the pane. Pls help me or atleast suggest me any ideas.

One additional thing how can i put limits (for creating warnings) on the graphs on front panel, the user should be capable of setting limits on the graph itself using mouse ( without entering values).

thank you in advance.

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Message 1 of 5

Hi dg,

I prefer discussing programming issues in the LabVIEW forum, but anyway:

- You can make graphs visible at need, you only have to prepare them for your maximal number of graphs...

- You can scale graphs to the pane by setting the pane accordingly...

- You can use cursors to set limits. And you can format those cursors to show as horizontal line. The user can move those cursors with the mouse and you're still able to read it's position...

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 5

A LabVIEW chart can be configured to show more than one plot window, the feature is called "stack plots". However, I don't believe this can be changed programmatically, so once you design your chart with, say, 4 stacked plots, it will always show 4 individual plots.

An alternative is to create 4 individual chart controls, and manage their visibility and positions yourself with your own LabVIEW code. You can create the effect you're looking for that way, it just means spending time creating some management code.

For editable limits, consider using 'graph cursors'.

Thoric (CLA, CLED, CTD and LabVIEW Champion)

Message 3 of 5


if you are ready to take the effort you can do a lot of UI work with LabVIEW as well.

For your problem I'd suggest to provide a control where the operator can request what (s)he wants to see. Probably with a maximum number of graphs, which have been created and hidden in edit mode.

Than you determine the available screen space and the optimal aggregation for the selected graphs. Using property nodes one can define their position, zize, caption, scales, values etc., its all a matter of effort.

I once had programmed a medical diagnosis system where the user had the chance to select up to 6 different graphs to be shown on 3 different TFTs. This may not be as fast as to play a shooter game, but it works quite well.

Just to mention: Such apps should be created using an apperopriate pattern; a producer-consumer seems to be appropriate here, Otherwise all the UI-stuff could heavily slow down the response time of your app.

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Message 4 of 5

If you want to do all of that on one graph I have two recommendations, XY Graph and Property nodes!

Everything you are wanting to do can be done but there are about a million ways to accomplish what you have described. If you want better advice or more specific help give, us a better idea of how you want to implement what you are describing (post a vi of what you have so far). This is part of the reason all the advice so far is so generic.

For a hint of what you can do with cursors, look at the "Graph Cursors.vi" example

For an idea of what can be done with Property Nodes look at the "Control References.vi" example.

Like GerdW mentioned for detailed discussions it is easier to post in the forums. http://forums.ni.com/

Good luck and let us know how the project goes.

R^2 (Ryan)

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Message 5 of 5