FIRST Robotics Competition Discussions

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Issues with cRIO FRC-II and Axis camera but everything is fine with the older cRIO

We are having issues with our cRIO FRC-II and an Axis camera (no video in dashboard and errors trying to use vision sensing). Since we bagged our cRIO FRC-II with our robot on the 18th we have borrowed an older cRIO from another team. This 8 slot cRIO works fine with the same code and camera. The camera is connected via the switch built into the D-Link AP.

The only differences are that we are using the older cRIO and our spare D-Link. The spare D-Link is not configured using the FRC utility yet, I configured it manually and have activated the traffic limiting and prioritization functions so we could simulate the effects of the FMS while testing. At this time only the switch is being used as the driverstation laptop is connected to the switch as well. All three devices are plugged into this same switch (just as if we were teathered in the pits at a competition.

The only other thing (and probably the most important) is that earlier this season the cRIO FRC-II was powered off while downloading code. We have re-imaged the cRIO since then following the documented procedures for imaging (just like we did to upgrade to the 2014 code from the 2013 we had from last year).

Any help before our competition this coming weekend would be greatly appreciated.

Larry Chladek

Mentor Team 4624

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Since it worked with one RIO and not the other it's important to figure out what the differences are between the two situations.

  1. What version of the image did you have on each cRIO?
  2. Had you ever gotten the vision code to work on the original cRIO?
  3. What were the IP addresses of the camera, cRIO and driver station computer in both cases?
  4. How recently had you run the camera setup tool before the competition?
  5. Did you have vision enabled on the front panel of your robot main code?
  6. Were you able to find any errors in the Drivers Station Diagnostics tab, or the Driver Station Log Viewer?

Also it would be good to know what language you are programming in. Hopefully these questions can help narrow down some causes.

Miles G.
National Instruments
Staff Applications Engineering Specialist
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