LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Robot controlled by Labview

  Protik Jun 18, 2014 11:17 AM

I do have very little knowledge on labview and i want know about

i know i am asking a very stupid question .do i have to write code in ardunio while i am using labview the graphical programing soft ?

and as a beginner what book should i follow to make robot ,i have already made obstracle avoding robot with ardunio .Now i want make a robot which can be control by xbee or wifi

plz help

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Getting WiFi to work with Labview is lot more complicated than using Xbee.  Hence I suggest you stick with Xbee.

Here is a link to a buying guide.


You will need two Xbees, one Xbee Explorer and one Xbee shield.

This link has a hook up guide.


It says in the hook up guide "The goal of this tutorial is to set up wireless XBee communication between a computer and an Arduino/XBee Shield combo. Then, using a terminal program, we can remotely send data to an Arduino, or read data off of it."

For a terminal program I suggest you initially use Arduino's  Serial monitor when testing and setting up the communication path between your PC and your robot.   Then when you are satisfied with the operation when using the Arduino Serial M onitor you can move on to using Labvew's "Continuous Serial Write and Read.VI for a terminal program.

The above approach does not use LIFA.   Arduino boards can only run one program at a time.   Because an Arduino board only runs the last uploaded program trying to use LIFA and you Robot program simultaneously is a waste of time.   You could try to integrate your Robot program into LIFA but this is a lot more work than using  Labvew's "Continuous Serial Write and Read.VI.


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