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Getting Axis camera to work

I set up my Access Point with no problem connecting to the RoboRio through the access point. Then I set up my axis camera using the axis camera utility in LabView untilites and it said successful. In the I set it to False to use an IP camera and I deployed and ran the roborio code. I put a probe between the set Camera size and the set FPS I got the error listed below. And I wasn't getting a camera image. Any thoughts on why I was getting the error?

PS I found the camera at 10.xx.yy.21, the dev PC at .20 and the router at .1

Error -44003 occurred at WPI_CameraIssue HTTP Request with>>WPI_CameraIssue>>WPI_CameraSet Image Appearance>>WPI_CameraSet Image>>Vision>>Robot

<time>Wed 07 Jan 2015 09:43:49 PM CST<unique#>97

This error code is undefined. Undefined errors might occur for a number of reasons. For example, no one has provided a description for the code, or you might have wired a number that is not an error code to the error code input.

Additionally, undefined error codes might occur because the error relates to a third-party object, such as the operating system or ActiveX. For these third-party errors, you might be able to obtain a description of the error by searching the Web for the error code (-44003) or for its hexadecimal representation (0xFFFF541D).

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Message 1 of 5

I figured out the porblem. it's the camera IP address of "axis-camera.local", in the I kept probing wires down until I found the right error which said

Error 54 occurred at TCP Open Connection ..

Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW:  The network address is ill-formed. Make sure the address is in a valid format. For TCP/IP, the address can be either a machine name or an IP address in the form If this error occurs when specifying a machine name, make sure the machine name is valid. Try to ping the machine name. Check that you have a DNS server properly configured. If you are using the TCP Open Connection function, ensure that the value of the remote port or service name is not 0.

I found the camera addres in and I hard coded the know with DHCP, this will change but it's what I had to do to get it to work.

QUESTION: why doesn't "axis-camera.local" work as the IP address from the roboRio to access the IP camera?

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Message 2 of 5

I am looking into why the DNS name that is porgrammed in LabVIEW does not work. In the mean time, you can follow the FIRST axis setup instructions to set a static IP address for your camera. These instructions are found here:!prettyPhoto

You can then hardcode this static IP address into the LabVIEW Vision VI as you have been doing. You may also want to look at this thread on the forum where other people are discussing the setup of Axis cameras:

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Message 3 of 5

Actually, I found the Axis Camera setup isn't setting up the host name (you've seen it on thread 26746). Once the host name was set up, it all works. So what's up with the Axis camera set up?

"Lockheed" Joe
Testing Blog"
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Message 4 of 5

I was able to change the host name for the Axis camera to axis-camera. And when the roboRIO is on the same network as the Axis camera, I can reference it using "axis-camera" insetad of an IP address. However I can not get it to work using "axis-camera.local" insetad of the IP address. Were there any other settings you changed for the camera?

EDIT: I was protoyping everything while connected to a network that prevented the .local suffix from working. This shouldn't ever be a problem when working on the control paltform network. But the DNS name of the camera does need to be changed as our users have pointed out.

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Message 5 of 5