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myDAQ homework problem: DC Circuits > Superposition

Problem Statement:
(a) Determine a symbolic expression for the voltage VA using the superposition method. Also determine expressions for VA1 (the contribution to VA due to the source V1 acting alone) and VA2 (the contribution to VA due to the source V2 acting alone).
(b) Evaluate the expressions VA , VA1 and VA2 for the resistor values R1 = 4.7K, R2 = 1.0K, R3 = 3.3K, and R4 = 2.2K and source values V1 = V2 = 3.3 volts.









myDAQ Measurement:

  • Create the voltage sources V1 and V2 with the digital outputs DIO0 and DIO1
  • Operate the digital outputs with NI ELVISmx Digital Writer (“DigOut” on NI Instrument Launcher)
  • Measure the voltage VA and related voltages VA1 and VA2 with the NI ELVISmx DMM set to voltmeter mode
  • Optional: You can achieve better agreement between your physical circuit and the problem statement by measuring the voltages V1 and V2 as well as the resistances R1 through R4 and using these values in your symbolic expressions
  • Follow along with the video clip below to confirm correct operation of your measurement setup






  • Report percentage difference between calculated values and corresponding measured values
  • Include screenshots of the DMM  display for each of the three voltages VA , VA1 and VA2