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Adafruit Motor Shield Driver Problems


0 Kudos
Message 21 of 39

I've never had the issue and I've never seen anyone reply to me saying that they couldn't get it fixed (for this same issue).  The only thing that I can think of is to make sure that you are opening LIFA_Base.ino from the File > Open dialog.

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 39

The LIFA_Base folder should contain the following 12 files.

LIFA_Base     an .ino file

LabviewInterface  an .ino file

AccelStepper   a c++ file

AFMotor     a C++ file

IRremote     a C++ file

AcelStepper   a Header file

AFMotor       a Header file

IRremote      a header file

IRremoteint  a header file

LabbviewInterface   a Header file

IRremoteLicense   a Text file

Keywords      a Test file

The LIFA_Base folder is created by the VI Package Manager and the 12 files listed above are installed in the LIFA_Base folder by the VI Package Manager.  Except for the two text files all of the files listed above are required for installing the LIFA firmware on an Arduino board. 

Please compare the content of your LIFA_Base folder with the above list and let us know what is missing. .


0 Kudos
Message 23 of 39


I believe i have all those files,  what should be in the arduino folder?

0 Kudos
Message 24 of 39

is there anyway i can uninstall and get rid of the folders and reinstall everything to start fresh?  Even if we can get the LIFA base to work i still cant access the motor shield through labview though can i, or does fixing this issue allow me to write a vi. that will utilize the motor shield?

0 Kudos
Message 25 of 39

Also I am going to be using the adafruit cc3000 wifi breakout card.  Does this work with the Arduino toolkit there's the usb option and the other I think is a wifi option.  I don't have the card yet it's in the mail just wondering if it works.

0 Kudos
Message 26 of 39

Did you try my suggestion?

You can get a fresh install of the files by uninstalling and then reinstalling LIFA via VIPM.

LIFA does not have a Wifi option, only bluetooth.

0 Kudos
Message 27 of 39

Nathan, yes i have tried your suggestions of making sure i have the latest arduino and its not the beta,  in addition i checked to make sure i was using the open dialog and opening the correct .ino still does not complie. and hrh1818 provided me a list of what file should be in the folder, and they are.  i feel my .ino code might have gotten modified somehow.  However you had both suggested earlier to upgrade to the LINX.  I downloaded that and my question is should i just use that instead of the LIFA or does that still need to be addressed first?

Also what is the range on bluetooth since wifi is not compatable?  Im using it on a flying drone and i heard the range on bluetooth is only like 50meters.  is there a way to create a vi that would use wifi using the VISA.

Again i want to thank the both of you for your help i know these things can be frustrating and i appreciate the time you are both taking to help me with this project.

0 Kudos
Message 28 of 39

Do not reinstall the LIFA firmware files on your PC.  The screen shot you provided shows you have a good installation of the LIFA firmware files on your PC.  However the screen shot and the trouble you are having suggest you are using the wrong method to access the LIFA files when compiling the firmware.  Try either of the following two methods and report your results. 

Method 1.

In the Arduino IDE in the menu bar click on File and select Open.

Select Local Disk C

Double click on Program Files

Double click on National Instruments

Double click on Labview 2013

Double click on Vi.Lib

Double click on Labview Interface for Arduino

Double click on Firmware

Double click on LIFA_Base

Select LIFA_Base.ino

Click on Open

Compile the code

Second Method

Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the LIFA_Base.ino file and double click on the LIFA_Base.ino file.

This opens the LIFA_Base file in the Arduino IDE.

Compile the code

The explanation for the two above methods is the Arduino IDE needs to know the path to the LIFA_Base file so it can access all of the external files referenced by the LIFA_Base file.

You have had two separate problems. Getting the LIFA_Base file to compile does not fix the problem of using the version 2 Arduino Motor Shield with Labview.   But getting the LIA_Base file to compile means the operation of LIFA is consistent with the original developers intent.

0 Kudos
Message 29 of 39

LINX will not help you with using a version 2 Adafruit Motor Shield.

An alternate approach for wireless communication with a a drone is Xbee. 


0 Kudos
Message 30 of 39