AR Drone Toolkit for LabVIEW - LVH

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Video stream ARdrone2 Labview

Hi ,

l just downloaded the modifed ardrone toolkit that will enable us to show video stream of ardrone 2 through labview

it works finebut the problem l don't know how to convert "picture" type to image so that l can process it using IMAQ functions.

Any one knows about this?

l need it for my project

Your help is appreciated

My pleasure

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Message 1 of 12


I have used this, so it should work

Convert LabVIEW Image Data to IMAQ Image

Best Regards

Alex E. Munkhaus
Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD)
System Engineer
Message 2 of 12

Hi sir can check the VI l attached your VI to the one l have but l saw only video stream pictures not the images that should be converted.

can you check the code?

l want to see the video stream in terms of images not pictures.

l'm sorry because l'm new to labview vision tools.l need Your help at this point and l can proceed easilly once l have the images appear in the screen like a video

l will not forget your help

My pleasure

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 12

Hi Again.

Have a look at the attached code. I used the VI I linked to in my previus post, and the example called "AR Drone - Simple Video" from the Example Finder.

Attached code is in LabVIEW2013.

Best Regards

Alex E. Munkhaus
Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD)
System Engineer
Message 4 of 12

Thank you sir l will check it now

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12

Hi sir r u using the ARDrone toolkit the orginal one or the modified one ?

becuase l ran now but l didn't see any image.

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Message 6 of 12

For me l'm using the modfied toolkit that will stream the video as pictures.

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Message 7 of 12

Hi sir l didn't get any images l have a white screen but when l run the original video stream through the modified toolkit l see the video stream.

May you help me,please?

because l need it to my final project

Thank you in advance for your help

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12

Hi sir l modified the code until it works but l have a delay of around 5 seconds

Is this normal or there is a way to reduce the delay?

l noticed that the additional blocks make this delay compared to the original VI that comes with the toolkit which is good with small delay that is not significant

Thank you for your help

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Message 9 of 12

Hi DroneLover22,

i've this problem "error 1097 occured at call library function node..". I didn't get any image, but when i run only original video stream it's all right.

Are you able to help me?

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Message 10 of 12