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frequency matching problem with myrio!!

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Sorry, I just do not know how to start a new question.


I just did as the note said change the PWM to an AO but I can not get anything through the analog output. Could you tell me why?

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Message 21 of 30

Please create a new thread for this.


Go to the top level Academic Forum page here and click New Message near the top.




-Sam K

LabVIEW Hacker

Join / Follow the LabVIEW Hacker Group on google+

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Message 22 of 30

But it said in the VI : Note.  If you replace the PWM EVI with an AO EVI you can generate an anlog sine wave.


Why it does not work?

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Message 23 of 30


i am also exprencing the same problem ....

can i know the solution for creating a sine PWM in myrio

0 Kudos
Message 24 of 30



I would recommend starting a new discussion on this topic and reference this thread. You are more likely to get a higher volume of views by the community. The last post on this thread was almost a year ago. 


We'll monitor the new forum to ensure new posts are responded to. 

Will M.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 25 of 30

Hi everyone,


This morning I managed to generate correct sine PWM pulse in myrio output analog port, which normally need to be done by comparing sinusoidal and triangle signal. You can set modulation index as you might want from 0-1 to adjust the pulse width to control the inverter output voltage. This circuit are built and modified from previous contributor. The underlying theorm of the logic circuit block provided enclosed. Check this out.


Best Regards,




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Message 26 of 30

My apologize, actually i generate sine PWM not in myrio analog port, but in DIO. Sorry for this incorrect information. 

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Message 27 of 30

Hi nim21kr

Could you tell me please how you have solved the problem that you mentioned before: the frequency of sine pwm output of myrio when seen on an oscilloscope is different than the frequency of the waveform in the simulation

Thank you

0 Kudos
Message 28 of 30

Hi L123,


How much of a difference in frequency are you seeing? Perhaps you could explain what you’ve tried so far, either in your development or troubleshooting. Have you been able to implement the example code developed by Sammy_K?

Ross S.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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Message 29 of 30

Can we add DC offset to the sine signals?

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Message 30 of 30