Academic Hardware Products (myDAQ, myRIO)

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myDAQ driver for windows 8.1

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Message 11 of 14


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Message 12 of 14

Alright, so it looks like windows is not associating the driver with the myDAQ.  I'm using DAQmx 9.8 on Win 8.1 so you could upgrade to that. 


Otherwise try the following:


  1. Find the myDAQ in Windows Device Mananger
  2. Right click it and choose update driver
  3. Click Browse...
  4. Browse to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\niraptrkw.sys
  5. Complete the wizard and see if it will load the driver

Let us know how that goes.


-Sam K

LabVIEW Hacker

Join / Follow the LabVIEW Hacker Group on google+


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Message 13 of 14

I'm using version 9.8 too.


I've tried doing what you said, but it gives me an error message saying the file cannot be found.


Attached is a screenshot of inside my drivers folder.


Note there is no niraptrkw.sys folder.


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Message 14 of 14