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myRIO TCP Buffer



I'm new at LabVIEW and have a lot of doubts. I've developed an algorithm over the myRIO card that filters a signal received form a server and transfers it to a remote client. Due the server specifications, I must use TCP for the IP connection. When I work on low transfer rates all is going fine, but on high rates some packets are being lost on receiving. I've tried to modify the TCP receive buffer size, but don't know how. Only can modify the send buffer size. Is there any solution in this ambit or I'm misunderstanding what is happening?

Thank you in advance.

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How much data are you talking about here? What sort of transfer rates are you using? Are both the myRIO, server and client on the same LAN? How is the myRIO connected to the network?

You should also post your code in case you have something in there which would be slowing things down.

LabVIEW Champion, CLA, CLED, CTD
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