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requested vi is not loaded into memory on the server computer

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Hi All,


I work on the GPS for myRIO.the example vi was download from NI. Everything is OK when i run the vi on desktop. But when i try to create a remote panel, the problem was occured. I already enable remote panel for myRIO and build a html webpage. Then i build the real time application and run as start up. The html web page was put to this /var/local/natinst/labview/www. When i try to access the web page, the error message was showd "requested vi is not loaded into memory on the server computer". So How to solve this problem?


Many Thanks


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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author wcchung33a

Hey Andy, take a look at the following article and make sure you have the proper options enabled in LabVIEW.

Daniel C.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

Hi Daniel


Thanks for your suggestion. I find out the way to solve it. I modfiy the example GPS vi and add a queue structure. Then i build the application and deploy it. the front panel was show in the html.



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Message 3 of 3