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Advanced Message Maker - actual version

In these cases I always suggest that you ship a complete VIPC file that contains all the packages needed to avoid this problem. Those missing packages don't exist on the users system or in any repositories.

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 28

VIPCs can't be built with the free version, though.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 28

Michael: I had these packages (which are not found now) in the VIPC file that I used in the VI Package Builder. Those should be included in the VIP, if I get it right. At least this is what I thought and experienced.

So you say I should include the VIPC file for safety? Or should it always be included? These packages are not copied into the VIP file?

Helcio: I will post the VIPC on Monday if this is the problem.

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 28

David_Staab wrote:

VIPCs can't be built with the free version, though.

I think we're all professionals here aren't we?

Komorbela. The other packages (VIPs) are not included in the main VIP that is built. Only the VIs are included. However, if you declare the other packages as dependencies, then VIPM will declare them in the main package (but will not include them). When you declare a dependency during the build, it means that any attempt to install the main package will force the other dependant packages to be installed. Those other packages can be located in the following places:

  • A remote repository that you may be subscribed to.
  • A VIPC file (if the install is initiated by applying the VIPC file)
  • The LabVIEW Tools Network
  • The VI Package Network
  • The user's local package cache. If they previously already installed it, then uninstalled it.

Creating a VIPC file allows you to create a single file installer that can contain all the packages required. This is the best way to guarantee delivery of all the required components - and still maintain the original VIP files. VIPC files can be installed (applied) on any version of VIPM including Free.

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Message 14 of 28

Michael: I guess it's not a surprise to you, but what you said is correct

By the way, it's a (negative) surprise to me.

When I use the VI Package Builder, I can make a list of package dependencies, which becomes a .VIPC file in the root folder of VI Package. There is even a button in the "Package Dependencies" section to "Open VI Package Configuration". This opens up VIPC editor, where I can explicitly select for each entry if I want include only the link to the VIP or the whole VIP. After closing the VIPC editor I am still in the VI Package Builder. I makes me very confident that the settings I have made in the VIPC editor are valid for the VI package I am editing right now.

But apparently it not this way. It brings up some other problems, which are real problems (not just theoretical) to me:

If a VIP (call it has a dependency(call it that is used in the Pre or Post-Install steps, than I start to have a dependency hierarchy. If is a dependency to a new than it's not enough anymore to just include the the and the in a VIPC file with the From this point on nothing guarantees that will be installed before

So my question is: Is there a way to deal with this problem without cutting the VIPC into same-level-hierarchy parts and asking the user to install those in order?

The option to have VIP file dependencies copied into the VIP file should be possible in the future. Can you take it as a feature request? I just have posted it to VIPM Idea Exchange:

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 28

Hi Helcio,

I updated the Installation instructions on the AMM's document page:

Follow the instructions, it should work now.

I uninstalled all related VIPs and removed all versions of those from my VIPM library to test if the installation is possible now.

I followed my instructions and it was all fine. I hope it will run at you as well.

To others who downloaded AMM:

Probably you couldn't install it because it had dependencies that you just could not have (because I created those ). Now all those dependencies are included. Give it a try if you are still interested. (and let me know if there are any problems)

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 28


Now it works, thanks

Now I have to see if I can learn how to use it!

thanks again


0 Kudos
Message 17 of 28


Happy to hear it works. I hope it will be not too complicated after you watch the tutorial videos. If you have the feeling something is still not clear, please let me know.


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Message 18 of 28

I am very interested in the Advanced Message Maker, however I have not made the jump because I am afraid it might break compatibility with future AF releases. I was hoping LabView 2012 SP1 would have included it (still hoping for LabView 2013).

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Message 19 of 28

Just to let you know the GOOP Development Suite(GDS), has an Message Maker built into the right click function in the project tree.

The extra feature this has compare to the first version, is that it also supports updating message classes if you change the connector pane of a Actor VI.

But of course GDS costs money, and the free community version only supports 20 classes in your project.

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Message 20 of 28