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LabVIEW_BrokenVI_xxxxx.txt created when building AF application

With LV2018: When building my AF project (which used to work), I am now getting Error 1 at the very end of the process. I also see that a "LabVIEW_BrokenVI_timedatestamp.txt" file is being created during the build in my "...AppData/Local/Temp" directory. The entries in this text file basically flags every VI in my project as "broken".


The app runs fine in development mode and compiles correctly on another computer with LV2018 installed.


I'm working with an AE on the build failure but was curious if anyone knows why my VIs are flagged as "broken" when they obviously are not, and if this is potentially related to the Error 1.


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Message 1 of 5

Maybe try a mass compile? Sometimes it can give you helpful error codes.

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Message 2 of 5

If I remember correctly, when AF first was bundled with LabVIEW, mass compiling an AF project directory was NOT recommended.

Interestingly, I get the same Error 1 and "brokenVI" text file when building the example "Actor Framework Fundamentals" project.

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Message 3 of 5

Are you using malleable VIs?

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Message 4 of 5

Yes, I've created a few that I use.


I should be clear that the error is happening on my company laptop, but compiles successfully on the lab computer where the application normally runs.


So far, and with no effect on the error,  I have:

  1. Done a REPAIR ALL on the LabVIEW 2018 installation.
  2. Uninstalled all N.I. Software and then reinstalled.

It is a medium sized Actor Framework application.

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Message 5 of 5