Actor Framework Discussions

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Will there be an AF Community "Lunch" at NI Week 2013?

Last year, I stumbled upon a group of AF enthusiasts having lunch together on the last day of NI Week.  I was able to tag along, and picked up some tips and a better understanding of AF just by listening to people who seemed to know what they were talking about!  Is a similar informal get-together planned for this year?  If so, I would appreciate having another Opportunity to Learn by Listening ...

Bob Schor

[ANSWER quoted from Aristos Queue below]

Here's the plan:

At 12:30pm on Tuesday, Allen and I will be at one of the tables outside the cafe to discuss Actor Framework with anyone who shows up. The tables are at the 1st & Trinity corner of the convention center. We'll be there just under an hour to answer questions about AF, look at design proposals and hear your stories of failure and triumph (hopefully more of the latter than the former).

The time gives those of you who want to eat in the cafe a chance to do so first and for Allen and I to grab some off-site grub. I have no idea if the convention center will let you bring your food out of the cafe area. The tables aren't large, so first-come-first-seated.

See you then.

Message was edited by: AristosQueue

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Message 1 of 14

I don't know whether there'll be a formal lunch gathering, but if you're looking for tips on using AF, you'll want to attend Daklu's and my session on Wednesday at 4:45 in room 19A.

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Message 2 of 14

This is not just David touting his own session; I attended a dry run of this presentation at the LabVIEW Architect's Forum this past week, and can vouch the content was excellent. Not surprising, as the joint-collaboration between two of the community's leading experts in AOD.

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Message 3 of 14

Yes -- I also heard it, and have signed up for the session!  Incidently, what is "AOD"?


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Message 4 of 14

Actor-Oriented Design (related, AOP = Actor-Oriented Programming)

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Message 5 of 14

Like last year, I will be bringing Actor Framework badge ribbons.  If you see someone sporting one of these, at lunch or wherever, start up a conversation.

They are goldenrod in color with black lettering.  There is the Actor gear icon on the left.

How do you get one?  Find me.  I get in very late on Sunday so I won't be at the usual Ginger Man gathering.  On Monday (Alliance Day), I will be helping with the AF hands-on session given my Allen Smith (niacs).  That ends at 5:15p in Room 18C.  So you can catch me up there helping to clean up at that point.


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Message 6 of 14

I will be looking for a AF badge ribbon from Kurt and I would be interested in lunch discussions.


Casey Lamers

Phoenix, LLC

CLA, LabVIEW Champion

Check Out the Software Engineering Processes, Architecture, and Design track at NIWeek. 2018 I guarantee you will learn things you can use daily! I will be presenting!

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Message 7 of 14

Actually, I was just shilling for my session. But I appreciate the glowing review from Jack.

AOD = Actor-Oriented Design. AF uses OOP to enforce AOD through IOC.

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Message 8 of 14

I hadn't thought to put any such lunch together this year, but I could do Tuesday lunch at 12:15pm to 1:15pm if we can find a place to get together... I don't have meal tickets on my badge this year, so I can't get into the dining area of the convention center, but there are usually tables nearby that we might be able to use.

David Staab wrote:

AOD = Actor-Oriented Design. AF uses OOP to enforce AOD through IOC.

What does the International Olympic Committee have to do with AF?!?! Do we now have to reserve one processor exclusively for the use of Athlete Actors even during high-throughput times of day?!

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Message 9 of 14

I would love to meet you all for lunch on Tuesday.

Just be aware that outside food is not permitted in the convention center, so if we want to make it an actual *lunch*, it would have to be off site.

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Message 10 of 14