Automotive and Embedded Networks

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The automobile sector has seen a dramatic increase in implementing electronic systems, as they have got more technologically advanced. They pursue convergence with different IT technologies to provide a comfortable and safety driving environment.
With the availability of different interfaces as WIFI, Bluetooth etc. The vehicle interactive as a smart computer that can communicate with different devices in vehicle and outside the vehicle. Today we are talking about vehicle to everything or V2X.
At this level of connectivity, connected cars are vulnerable; the hacker can take remotely control of the car and it can lead to a several situation not just the driver but also pedestrian on the road.

The cyber-criminal use the vehicle threats to execute his hostile intents. Some of threats are in internal networks and in the software of the embedded systems implemented in the vehicle. The attacker can wirelessly send fake messages in vehicle network to get access.
The aim of the project is to create a toolbox for automotive audit. This toolbox give in result of testing that the car is vulnerable.
(We will concentrate in this project on the CAN bus network and some devices using this network to communicate).

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Message 1 of 4

When I started reading your message, it sounded like spam.  But since you never point to a suspect website in either the message or the attachment, I guess it is not.


So it is really just a long message telling us something about what you want to do without ever providing any useful information.  You don't ask any questions or ask for any help on anything.


So what is the point of posting this?

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Message 2 of 4



your message really sounds like spam.

Atleast the file attachment doesn't trigger any alarm at VirusTotal…

(Using obscure office file formats isn't the best option to show information.)


This toolbox give in result of testing that the car is vulnerable.

Why do you need a toolbox when you know the result in advance?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 3 of 4

@GerdW wrote:


This toolbox give in result of testing that the car is vulnerable.

Why do you need a toolbox when you know the result in advance?

A random number generator that always produces 9.  Also this is practically an impossible task as it is defined here.  You area saying a toolbox that says if your car is vulnerable.  That toolbox doesn't fully exist for any software platform, and really can't.  You can produce something like a unit test that tests for a specific thing, and returns the result.  But this software cat and mouse will mean vulnerabilities exist that you can't be made aware of.  Instead of sounding like spam, to me it more sounds more like a copy paste from a senior design class, or thesis. 


If you want any help, or have any questions feel free to ask.  But in my opinion you either are taking on a huge massive challenge that would take teams of developers decades to develop.  Or you are going to keep minimizing the requirements until you can accomplish something but for a very limited scope.

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Message 4 of 4