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LabVIEW Citations in Biomedical Research

Active Participant

Have you ever wanted to find examples of LabVIEW being used in experiments or applications that are similar to your own?  There's a really easy way to search a variety of scientific journals all in one click and not have to wade through pages of Google garbage:  it's called HighWire and it's an ePublishing service of Stanford University.

A HighWire search for the term "labview" returns over 4200 results.  Even better, the full text for many of the journal articles can be downloaded for free!

Here are a couple of papers that looked pretty interesting to me:

An open-source LabVIEW application toolkit for phasic heart rate analysis in psychophysiological res...
Real-Time Supervisor System Based on Trinary Logic to Control Experiments With Behaving Animals and ...

If your interest is specifically the neurosciences, then it's easy to narrow down the number of returned results by adding another key term to "labview".  If you search on "labview neuron" and trim the date range to 2000-2010, then you will find 1157 results.

I'm interested in finding a way to "embed" this kind of search engine on our website or this user group - any ideas?