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Using fileformat converter in BIOMEDICAL KIT

Hi all!!

i hav started working with biomedical startup kit a week before.....i wud lik to know whether the .dat and .hea files can be directly loaded as input in the file format converter of the biomedical kit.....i tried downloading the .hea files from MIT BIH database....but it didnt show any waveform....shud i giv the waveform values manually?is the .mat fileformat a matlab audio file? wating for ur valuable suggestions......

thank u


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 16


You should place the hea and data files in same folder. MAT is the file of MATLAB data file. If you still couldn't load the data, could you please attach the data files here?



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 16

thank u sir for ur valuable help.....i ll try and get back soon.....

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 16

hi sir.....

i got the signals displayed in the waveform graph in biomedical  kit.....cud u  plz tell me how to import it into  the LabVIEW  vi as a waveform graph input.....

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 16


File Format Converter is to transform file format. If you want to load from those files to LabVIEW, you could :

  1. Transform your file to TDMS file using File Format Converter. It is very easy to load data from TDMS in LabVIEW.
  2. Use the source code version of Biomedical Startup Kit. Refer to


ZJ (Zhijun) Gu

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 16


Thank u for ur helpful suggestions... really glad to know abt the source code....i m planning to import ECG signals from MIT BIH database contaning  normal sinus rhythm and signals with cardiac abnormalities from   MIT SCD database.....Then processing these signals  by labVIEW for SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH risk estimation using adaptive difference threshold algorithm....i hav already designed the algorithm using labVIEW except for the input signal...i m eagerly waiting for the source code version of the BIOMEDICAL help me find the source code so that i cud work on it and attach interesting new things with the kit lik SCD DETECTION MODULE....hav plans for prediction also...awaiting for ur reply...

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 16


i ve mailed u the same from my g mail id check it and kindly help me with the codes ...

thank u!!

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 16


I would be interested in receiving the latest version of the Biomedical Startup Kit source code.  Is this an option I would need to purchase?  I am running Labview 2009.

could you let me know the process to obtain this software?

Thanks very much for your time.

I am pulling data from five different medical monitors together in one TDMS file for the doctor to review either simultaneously or after the recording is complete.

Its wonderfully annoying how the various medical monitoring companies no longer send out analog waveforms from their systems like in th eold days--1970s-1980s.


thanks for your time.


0 Kudos
Message 8 of 16

Hi Andy,

Could you please tell us the five different medical monitors' file types?

For the source codes, you could shoot an email to [Edit: email removed as it is no longer used for support*]


*For support please use standard customer support channels

Message was edited by: Matt_McLaughlin

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 16

Well, getemed AG is probably not amoung those five monitor producers you mentioned, but anyhow:

Data formats and file formats are not that easy to define; there's a lot to account for. Data must be handled by embedded systems, must be transferred via small-bandwidth connections, must be quickly decodable, must be streamable and must be backward compatible, just to mention a few requirements.

We here at getemed have a well-defined file format that fullfills all those and some more requirements and is not published. But if any of our customers asks for a transverter and gives a good reason he is given a transcoder that exports getemed data streams to text (csv) or xml files.

Any 'simple' binary or ascii data format we have checked had collided with one or more of our requirements. This data format is documented and we have given the format out to a few of our costumers as well, but it is also still 'alive', so might change from time to time (while being backwards compatible as required; meaning older versions of processing SW can handle all those parts of a data file that's definition is still valid, can use a compatible way of handling newer data components that are similar to older ones and can safely ignore other parts of the data).

Just my € 0.02

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Message 10 of 16