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It's confirmed.. 2012 is the end of the world...



I did not have the splint.  Just anti-inflammatories and stretching exercises.


My problem now is that the broken bone healed crooked and my feet are substantially different in size and shape making shoe fitting difficult. It also makes running mechanics an issue causing asymmetrical stresses.


I was a cross country runner in college.  The coach suggested I might try a marathon.  Now anything less seems hardly worth bothering.



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Message 31 of 229



Do consider custom orthotics.  They're worth their weight in gold.  (I admit, they do not weigh much -- hardly anything, really -- but still...)  Especially if you're battling abnormal stresses due to altered mechanics.  Depends upon how important running is to you, but also consider two different pairs of shoes -- one shoe for your right foot and one for your left.  Sure, it's a lot of extra money, so as I said, it depends on how important it is to you.


I suppose if you were feeling REALLY dire, you could seek out another brass valve.  Smiley Wink


(Full disclosure:  I had my nose broken blocking a shot with my face.  (Admittedly not my first choice of body part to interpose between the ball and the net, but nothing else was available at the time.)  My nose leaned to the left afterwards.  I joked about needing to face more left-footed opponents, to knock my nose back into place.  Guess what?  My nose is straight again.  Lesson learned: beware what you wish for.)


I am impressed.  I would never survive a marathon.  Very cool!!


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Message 32 of 229



Thanks for the suggestions.   I will avoid using my nose for things other than breathing and smelling!


I am trying some semi-custom orthotics now and they seem to be helping.


If I every get back to running marathons, one of my ambitions is to run the Crater Lake Marathon (if it is still beng held).  The 7000 foot elevation is a major challenge, but the course is beautiful.



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Message 33 of 229

@DianeS wrote:

Jeff...impressive!  How on earth did you manage to do that?!  That is not an easy bone to break...that is, unless you break a few other things, too.  Glad to hear you recovered, did you need surgery?  That would be a nasty recovery.


Believe me, I will do my darndest to ensure that my neck remains intact henceforth...once was plenty.


Thank you for the good wishes!  Smiley Very Happy

I'm not sure I should tell you how to break a part of your bodySmiley LOL  You may attempt to duplicate it!  Also, I have been considering filing a patient application to cover "Method to break the Unbreakable great meta-tarsal"


The "Bohrer Method":

As a pubescent young man I suffered a slipped caperal femoral epiphysis, The growth-plate at the ball of my left femur broke itself for no good reason.  The surgeon who implanted the three pins was great with a power drill, chisel and screwdriver!  However, his sewing skill left something to be desired.  As a result the left quad is held together tenuously by scar tissue and will rip top to bottom whenever I do something stupid where the quad is supporting my weight while twisting.  A leaping High kick to a soccer ball with my right foot is just one of those really stupid things.  The landing was spectacular! As the quad gave way I dropped like a wet dishrag landing fully on my right knee- directly on my twisted left foot- just behind the big toe.

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 34 of 229

EeYeowy!!!   Smiley Surprised  Thank you for that NOT!   Ouch ouch, now I'll have sympathy twinges all day!!!  We can be a fragile construct at times.


Certified LabVIEW Developer

Senior Test Engineer North Shore Technology, Inc.
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Message 35 of 229

Oooouuuch :umph  Smashed my toe into a rock hiding in the grass at about 30m/h when I was riding a year or two ago.  Don't think I broke anything but it sure hurt for a long time. 😞  In all my years of snowmobiling, rodeo, and motorcycling, i've learned that helmets and body armor do work well. Cat Happy


Went riding sunday, 80°F and dusty...


This morning I actually drove the truck into work, brushed 3 inches of snow off it. 😕  Even my dog was confused when I kicked him out this morning.


Good news is the fire south of my house is now 100% contained, and will more than likely be out by the end of the day today.

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Message 36 of 229

Jeff...that makes me want to turn inside out.  Eeeeoooowww!  Agh!  Ewww!  Urgle!  What a nasty injury!  You said your foot's your quad?!


You need have no fear that I will attempt to duplicate that one.  (or any experiments with high pressure and brass valves, or anything else)  I sustain enough damage without even trying.


Was the kick itself really impressive?  It certainly sounds impressive!  It was just the landing which left a bit to be desired.


Lynn, Crater Lake is indeed lovely.  I hope you are able to do marathons again soon!   I'm glad to hear that the orthotics are helping.  My surgeon made me a custom pair after my 3rd ankle surgery and I was really impressed by what a difference they made.


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Message 37 of 229

Is Crater Lake in Oregon?  The National Park?


Diane,  How far south of the US - Canada border are you?

0 Kudos
Message 38 of 229

Yes, Crater Lake is in Oregon, and it is a national park.  It's really beautiful!


I'm about 2 hours south of the U.S. / Canada border...120 miles or thereabouts.  I ran the Warrior Dash last summer at Whistler.  Another incredibly beautiful place!


I'm very fond of mountains and water.  Smiley Happy

0 Kudos
Message 39 of 229

@DianeS wrote:



Was the kick itself really impressive?  It certainly sounds impressive!  It was just the landing which left a bit to be desired.


The shot was a spectacular mid air re-direct on goal!  Unfortunatly the advanced "Howl in pain to distract the defence" method did not prevent the equally spectacular save! 


The toe aches in damp weather. otherwise it healed up fine.  The quad will never be right unless some bioengineer develops a new tharapy to repar scarred muscle.  (Right around the corner technically)

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Message 40 of 229