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Monthly Bugs, June 2008

Message 11 of 22

Message Edited by jmcbee on 06-20-2008 03:12 PM
Message 12 of 22
See here

CAR: #117387

Free Code Capture Tool! Version 2.1.3 with comments, web-upload, back-save and snippets!
Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep
My LabVIEW Ideas

LabVIEW, programming like it should be!
Message 13 of 22

Enormous labview bug :


VI is executable and compilable while it contains errors and broken wires...

This happens when a golbal is renamed.



Please take time to rate this answer
Message 14 of 22
This was reported to R&D (# 118218) for further investigation.
Message 15 of 22
When converting a project from LV8.2.1 to LV8.5, the run minimized setting in the build does not follow from LV8.2.1.
Resetting the build parameters in LV8.5 cures the issue.
Message 16 of 22
In some parts of the world it is already July, so let's upgrade the bug thread to the July version.
This thread is now closed. No more June Bugs!

Message 17 of 22

altenbach wrote:
This thread is now closed. No more June Bugs!
Sorry, Altenbach! Smiley Happy
There is only one more bug in June still left out, since I was on leave for 2 days... Smiley Wink
It is this.
CAR ID 118302
- Partha ( CLD until Oct 2024 🙂 )
Message 18 of 22
When you input a number with a alfanumerical keyboard in a numerical control on a touchpanel which is running only ONE loop: it will be updated.
If you try to input that same number with an alfanumerical keyboard in a numerical control on a touchpanel which is running parallel loops, it will be ignored. However, using the up/down arrows to change or input a numerical control on a touchpanel running parallel loops, will update the control.
Very nasty bug when using touchpanels in operating systems: the operator has no id what hit hem, when he started his machine using default values, because the ones he entered with the keyboard, weren't updated...
there are no attachements, since everone can create one VI with two parallel loops and see what's going on for himself. You will need LV PDA + a touchpanel. I have tested this bug with LV8.5 and LV PDA 8.5 + TPC-2012 and TPC-2006T, I believe it is a general bug!!
There is no thread started yet, hopefully I have responds to this. If not, I will have to stop using touchpanels, since they are to dangerous to use.
0 Kudos
Message 19 of 22

Start a separate thread in the LabVIEW board and include a link to that thread here. This is not the place for discussing bugs.

Also, do include an attachment with exact steps to reproduce. Creating that VI may be simple, but it's useful to have a single reference point, so that there are no miscommunications and misunderstandings.

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 20 of 22