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Your Input Needed: Advanced LabVIEW Sessions at NIWeek 2009

altenbach wrote:



Are you aware that you posted in (= hijacked) a thread about "Advanced LabVIEW sessions at NI week 2009", which seems completely unrelated to your post. Please start a new thread instead to keep things logically organized.


Since your gripe is about LabVIEW, the LabVIEW forum might be more suitable. The breakpoint is our social forum. 


Thanks! 🙂

Knight of NI,
Sorry, I did ramble on a wee bit.
However, my post here to the NI week 2009 advanced LabVIEW sessions, I believe, is in fact, highly relevant.  What I have proposed is that National Instruments spend more time on the Quality of LabVIEW with special attention to the offline network isolated activation process.  Whats the point in all this supposed happy times at NI Week if when you get home, you have to spend all your time keeping your LabVIEW activated.  Why should all your projects using LabVIEW suddenly come to a screetching halt simply because you have added a National Instrument card to your PXI system.  You would think that NI would be pleased that we have bought and used one of their hardware products.  But adding NI hardware to an existing computer should not blow away your LabVIEW activation.
So what I am suggesting is that National Instruments should skip NI Week 2009 and work out a better reasonable way to perform offline network isolated activations.  Adding or subtracting NI hardware should not break your LabVIEW activation.  It is especially the National Instruments software developers that should keep focused on Quality of the current 8.6 version.  Lets have them fix the bugs current version.  Lets have them fix the installation compatibility problems between LabVIEW and other NI products before we move on.  We don't need 8.7 or 9.0 until we have a usable 8.6.
Yes, lets all skip NI Week 2009 and focus on LabVIEW quality and a reasonable offline network isolated activation process.  Lets not all pretend that all is well with NI and LV.  I am sure there are others that have had experienced LV incompatibility and activation problems.
Oh my goodness, I have rambled on again.......
Sorry, again from Kevin.
Note:  I currently have 7 copies of LV Dev Suite with tons of toolkits and modules all on current software support and all on isolated networks.  So I have been suffering quite a bit. 


0 Kudos
Message 11 of 21

Ben wrote:

So it had nothing to do with the link after all. No woner I could not find them.




So that my cents worth.


What do the rest of your think?



Ben, as usual, you rock.  Thanks for the input.



Todd S.
LabVIEW Community Manager
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 21

If I hear good feedback on those new sessions then YOU are the rocker.


Summarizing my desires for all of those seesions.


No sales pitch.

Feed us so full of info we are dizzy at the end of the day (without going on the beer crawl).




Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 13 of 21

Ben wrote:

If I hear good feedback on those new sessions then YOU are the rocker.


Summarizing my desires for all of those seesions.


No sales pitch.

Feed us so full of info we are dizzy at the end of the day (without going on the beer crawl).




Yes Ben,
Lets hope NI will skip the marketing and sales pitches in the advanced sessions.
If you make it to the advanced sessions, then you don't require any time
spent on sales pitches or marketing or NI Company history lessons.
subliminal: I could save the world if I could put a tab inside a cluster. 


0 Kudos
Message 14 of 21



You might want to skip session 5.  It looks like a marketing session for some of the new toolkits.  I am sure they will show everybody how to use the tools, but that will probably be about it.



Bruce Ammons
Ammons Engineering
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 21

Bruce Ammons wrote:



You might want to skip session 5.  It looks like a marketing session for some of the new toolkits.  I am sure they will show everybody how to use the tools, but that will probably be about it.



I am going to miss this NI Week this year but my feedback is for the benefit of those that do attend.


Here is another way of thinking about the session content.


I have not had experience with local user groups for LV but I have read about and heard about them. NI will sponsor user group meeting and if nobody local wnat to do a presentation the local NI rep will do one. These are usually pre-wrritein presentations that came down from corporate and have some knowledge content but in the end are sales presentations. Sometimes they even go as far as talking about the pricing!


If the local group is active they may have individuals that will provide the entertainment and do their own presentations. Although these can vary in quality I have heard about good ones that where highly praised.


So what attendees of NI Week should experience in these advanced seminars is to come out of the sesion asking themselves "Was that an NI Seminar?!"


With sesions like those to call apon the local NI reps would be able to do presentations that are high value non-sales pitches so.... these presentations may also help with LabVIEW user groups.


And of course people that will be out there slinging wires durring NI week will be able to down load the presentations and share in the fun!



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 16 of 21

How about Best Practices for Large Scale Distributed Systems.  There are a ton of subtle concepts regarding the use and deployment of shared variables

for distributed systems.  Is it better to use NSV's or the Systems Group concept of the Current Value Table.  Large distributed systems need to be

managed from external databases or spreadsheets that define channel attributes, system constants, etc.  what are some best practices to manage this information

and tools to deploy to RT targets.  What about interprocess communications RT<->RT or RT<->PC.  What is the future roadmap for the scan engine technology?


Message 17 of 21

- New Advanced Features in LabVIEW Object Oriented Programming

 As neat as this always sounds, I still haven't had to time to wrap my head around OOP for the types of LabVIEW software projects that I am always working on. This may not be advanced for this area, but I'd like to see examples that actually use LabVIEW the way I do, i.e., acquiring and processing dynamic signals, and presenting results. 


- Enhanced Data Visualization in LabVIEW

 Excellent topic. I'd like to see some time spent on usage of non-NI controls and indicators that are open source (ZedGraph, GraphVIZ) in addition to the relatively new work with 3D models.

- Multicore Design Patterns in LabVIEW

 Some focus an efficient methods of scaling the processing for the number of available cores. It's one thing to design for 4 processors, it's another to detect them, and spread out the load on the fly. 


- LabVIEW Team Oriented Development - From Requirements to Deployment

 Use of a source code control system (like SVN) and best practices for when to commit (especially when the code is just recompiled without other changes..).

- Best Practices for Memory Management and Optimization of LabVIEW Code

 Point by point processing for minimum memory foot print and scalability; efficient use of disks for storage  and access. Single element queues?



0 Kudos
Message 18 of 21

C. Minnella wrote:


- Multicore Design Patterns in LabVIEW

 Some focus an efficient methods of scaling the processing for the number of available cores. It's one thing to design for 4 processors, it's another to detect them, and spread out the load on the fly. 




Smiley Wink



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 19 of 21

The Advanced error handling session is pre-discussed here on LAVA.



Message 20 of 21