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altenbach Makes It BIG!



My code has improved no end thanks to reading many of your posts



Message 51 of 54

Thanks to all for the kind comments! 😄


Especially thanks to Jeff who made it all possible by inventing a programming environment that works the same way as my brain and eliminates the tedious detour via the limiting abstraction of text programming. You are my biggest hero!


Right after passing 10'000, we actually left for a long weekend and drove all the way to Utah.


When I got back the next Monday, I had lots of green from the "NI web support and operations team" waiting for me ...


... No, not that kind of green, silly you!! ...


... Shrubberies of course! More accurately, a nice lemon cypress.


We'll plant it in the backyard. Thanks NI! Truly hilarious! Such a great idea! (and even smells good!) 😄

Message 52 of 54

In the most recent issue of the NI Instrumentation Newsletter (Second Quarter 2009) that can be downloaded from here our own Christian was recognized for making it to Knight of NI.


To save you all (and NI's web-site) the need to download the entire issue I am posting a cut-n-paste of the pdf below.







BTW: That code just takes you back to this thread.

Message Edited by Ben on 05-22-2009 01:30 PM
Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 53 of 54

Doesn't look like it will be long before you get there too, Ben.


Only need a couple more knights and we can have ourselves a jousting tournament.

-Matt Bradley

************ kudos always appreciated, but only when deserved **************************

Message 54 of 54