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red x s - maybe tree branches

I always de-select the show x's on broken wires in my ini . Somehow, today it seems a broken tree branch would be more appropriate

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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Message 1 of 10

Having one of those days hey Jeff?


My last two weeks were like that.

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Message 2 of 10

Jeff·þ·Bohrer wrote:
I always de-select the show x's on broken wires in my ini . Somehow, today it seems a broken tree branch would be more appropriate


Well since you brought it up...


Has anyone caught the series on National Geographic channel called "Doomsday Prepers"?


I thought my wife and I were extreme with our back-up generators etc. Some of them have turned "prepping" into a life style. On eof the couple that really impressed me had almost every scenario covered. A quick summary of their capabilites follows.


Live in a castle built of shipping crates.

Enough food on hand to feed 22 people for 15 years.

Bug-out busses already outfit with accomodations for 22 including food stocks.

Run of solar and wind power.

They have multiple stashes of supplies already deployed along multiple routes the their alternate location in the event they have to abandon their site.


But what really got me giddy was their goats. No not that they had goats. Their goats are already trained to load into trailers on voice command.


I was impressed!




Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 3 of 10

That show is pretty interesting. You get to see every way the world will come to an end. I sure hope that never happens. Some of the people on there seem naive to think that they prepared so no one will come and take their stuff if they did not. A few guns will not stop hungry people. I think the only chance that you have to be truly prepared is to have a bunker underground with fiber optics for sun light so you can grow your food without anyone ever knowing you are there. Have a geothermal heating and cooling system that can generate power and a well that you can purify your water and make your own air (if Needed)

Message 4 of 10

If this big "doomsday scenario" really plays out... dunno if I really want to live through it anyways.


First stop is riding yellowstone on my snowmobile, then i'll do a few lines of coke and a dozen asian hookers.... c'est la vie.

Message 5 of 10

@SnowMule wrote:

If this big "doomsday scenario" really plays out... dunno if I really want to live through it anyways.


First stop is riding yellowstone on my snowmobile, then i'll do a few lines of coke and a dozen asian hookers.... c'est la vie.



And after sleeping it off, I'd wake up looking like your avartar scrounging for a cheeto.


One of the scenarios that drive some of the preppers is Yellowstone. It is a super-volcano that is over due.




i grew-up durring the 60's when the threat of nukes drove amny people to expess the "I don't want to live through it" thought. I suppose I subscribed to it as well. But my training in the Navy taught us how to survive (if outside the shock wave) and keep on fighting. Soon after the Navy I suscribed to a spin-off of "Soldier of Fortune" magazine called "Survive". Interesting articles like "How to build a geiger counter" using aluminum foil and a styrofoam cup and how to calibrate it. At the time, my thought drifted to an attitude expressed by one of my buddies as "They can bomb the He#$ out of us but they haven't beaten us until they occupy."


Driven by my desire to make it on my own I took up back-packing and did solos trips a number of times. I enjoyed it because it was just me and my wits vs the environment. I continued this up until I pulled a groin musle about 6 miles into a 7 mile trek. I foolishly choose to tough it out and do the last mile in the hopes that a nights rest would fix it. I was wrong and the trek out was a challenge.


I acquired a house soon after so my spare time was used turning it into my castle and my desire to back-pack deminished (aside from trip with my son fo course). James Burk (spelling) at that time had a show calld "Connections" where he traced the progress of technology over the ages and our dependance on it. I was inspired

and started buy and reading every techo-book I could find. I have been slowly working on being able to re-invent technology starting with fire and working my way up from there. My Father took advantage of this because it meant he need only cross the street to visit a hardware store.


I have plans to someday run my home off a coal (The mountain that is my son's backyard is the National Coal reserve) fired steam engine. I theorectically have all of the parts and tools and need only the time.


So... I have dribbled on too long about myself.



If a disaster hits and I don't survive, my family may be able to take adavantage of my work. If I do survive, I hope to be able to rebuild society. Maybe not i-phones but the Amish do just fine in this part of the country.


Any question why I liked that show?




Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 6 of 10

With your coal-fired, steam powered generator you can keep your computer running and continue to generate little red x's on wires. (Just to jmp back to topic for a second).


Are you contemplating controlling the steam system with LabVIEW?



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Message 7 of 10

Of course not they do not have a cheap version for home use. Smiley Very Happy



The end of the world may happen but I am sure there would still be a lawyer working for National Instruments still looking to make some money and enforcing the single user license.

Message 8 of 10

@aeastet wrote:

Of course not they do not have a cheap version for home use. Smiley Very Happy



The end of the world may happen but I am sure there would still be a lawyer working for National Instruments still looking to make some money and enforcing the single user license.


I know all prepper talk sound crazy but ...


I already have a personal license for LV. Of course I thought I would be using to water/feed my garden, run my trains and answer LV Q's after retirement.




Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 9 of 10

And you can get a personal license of the student edition for $49.00 from Sparkfun that comes with an Arduino, or does the Arduino come with LabVIEW? Doesn't matter. You will need to stock up on these in case Yellowstone does go off. (There is a quantity discount available)

LabVIEW 2012

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Message 10 of 10