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Advanced Architectures and Managing Software Engineering in LabVIEW

I am trying to prep for the CLA exam, for when they start accepting reservations for that again, and the suggested courses are "Advanced Architectures in LabVIEW" and "Managing Software Engineering in LabVIEW". The problem is they do not seem to be accessible. Advanced Architectures cannot be accessed from its home site (https://learn.ni.com/learning-paths/advanced-architectures-in-labview) and doesn't show up on the learner dashboard at all. Same for Managing Software Engineering. I might be being stupid, but does anyone know what I'm missing?

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Message 1 of 3

Are you prepping for the CLA or the CLA-R?

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Message 2 of 3

So after some back and forth with sales I think this is what is going on:


There is so much historical training material and pages regarding training on the site that NI doesn't seem to be super motivated to clean up.

NI is in the midst of changing vendors on their certification testing service which may have triggered a review of what resources should be linked to certain certifications.

The beginning and intermediate courses are pretty well fixed up for the learn.ni.com training paradigm but the advanced courses are à la carte. 

the search function on learm.ni.com doesn't work well in general and even less well for certain courses (see the first point above) leading to some bad links


the two courses that are supposed to be taken for the CLA exam are here:




I don't know if this will make anyone's life easier to see this, but I hope so. I also welcome any corrections, clarifications, or questions. 


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Message 3 of 3