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Sample CLD (Boiler Controller) Solution for Review

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I have solved the Boiler Control example, as part of my CLD practice.

Can you guys please review it?

I couldn't meet the timing deadline but I think I can do it with some practice.

Also please excuse the documentation part. I hav done almost nothing on that as of now.

I would like to see comments on architecture, functionality, code readability, etc.

Thanks in advance.


**If necessity is the mother of invention, I bet laziness is the father.**
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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author mmoni

I'm studying for the CLD myself and haven't passed it, so take my comments with a grain of salt.


A few suggestions. They're all very minor.


1) For your next practice, take the last 10 minutes of the 4 hours and do documentation. Those are fast, easy points. It's even better if you document as you go - just type a quick description of what you're doing in each frame, and add documentation to your VI Properties (especially your main one).


2) This is very minor, but I noticed a lot of coercion dots. A Quick Drop and Ctrl+I will clear those out quickly.


3) I think you should hide your debug indicators for State Q. At least move them off to the side, away from the desired front panel.


4) Shift cluster should definitely be a typedef.


5) Is there a reason you used a "File Directory/Info" instead of a "Check if File Exists" function? This is more a curiosity question than anything; the way you coded is functional, but sort of indirect.


6) I'm not sure if the exact right values are writing for the log file, I see "6/27/2012::10:29 PM,Pilot Proved,29.59" as a line, and I would expect the Pilot value to be >30?


I think barring a slight lack of documentation, it looks great. It's very organized and it's clear in every state what you're doing.


I hope you pass! Good luck on your exam!

Message 2 of 4

Thanks Mike for the review. You are quite right in all the comments:

1) I plan to target 3 hrs to solve the problem. I know I overflow the time always so that will provide be some buffer, and some time to clean-up the code and put some documentation.

2) I'll try to minimize the c-dots. Thanks for pointing out.

3) You are right: the StateQ should not be visible. I should have removed it in clean up.

4) You're right again!

5) Yes I should have used "Check if File Exists". I see that I am also not specifically checking for the error code for file not found so the result could be ambiguous.

6) I am unable to open the code at work, I'll have a check why its happening so.


Thanks a lot again for your effort and time. Looks like you're definitely going to make it thru CLD. All the best!

**If necessity is the mother of invention, I bet laziness is the father.**
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Finally got the results yesterday, after exact 6 weeks !

Cleared the test 🙂

Score = 93.38%

**If necessity is the mother of invention, I bet laziness is the father.**
Message 4 of 4