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Edge counting with digitial pause trigger

Hi again,
Thanks for your help. I have got the program to work. Problem was I have started the counter before starting generating the pulse. So it is working fine now. I am going to conitunue and implement the functionality based on our requirements.
0 Kudos
Message 31 of 52

Hi again,

I am just expanding the program which i was discussing with you before. Now I have added another 5 counters to it and having counter 0 and 1 as the finite pulse generation and ctr0Internal output as the trigger source, Number of samples I have defined is one. Once the pulse generation is started, it will generate a single pulse, I would like to check whether the pulse generation is done after generation of one pulse, so that once I know it s finished, I would like to reset the pulse handling task and start it again to generate another single pulse. Is there anyway to work around.


0 Kudos
Message 32 of 52
Hi Adam,
I have tried Get pulse done function DAQmxErrChk DAQmxGetCOPulseDone(taskHandle, counter as string, data as boolean). I am getting the value for the data as false even if the pulse s gettin generated or when pulse generation is done and also the program is getting crashed when using that fiunction. Could you please help me in getting the value whether the pulse generation is done or not?
0 Kudos
Message 33 of 52


I think I have resolved the issue of Pulse Done check function, but when I m trying to close my form it is getting crashed. I have reset all the functions used but still when i m trying to end the program/ close the form program is crashed. I have attached thge program. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Message Edited by Support on 07-13-2007 01:30 PM

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Message 34 of 52


I have sorted out the problem by removing Pulse done function, instead used wait till task done function to get the polling result whether the pulse generation is completed or not. I have another issue now, Is there any equivalent function for DIG_IN_LINE , DIG_OUT_LINE and DIG_CONFIG_LINE in Daqmx library?


0 Kudos
Message 35 of 52

Hi there,

What are you trying to do with DIG_IN_LINE etc?

I'm a little confused as to what you need.

"DAQmx.DAQmxCreateDIChan" and "DAQmx.DAQmxCreateDOChan" will create digital virtual channels



Applications Engineering Team Leader | National Instruments | UK & Ireland
0 Kudos
Message 36 of 52
Hi there
I would like to control the mirror of FL lamp. Mirror position is controlled by using the I/O lines of the 6602 card. These functions been used in traditional daq, and I would like to change the program using DAQmx. Have attached the program for your reference.

Message Edited by Support on 07-16-2007 10:51 AM

0 Kudos
Message 37 of 52
Hi there,
There are a load of example programs online that can help you out with this application.
Here are a few examples:
This is the main link to the main support pages.
Good luck
Applications Engineering Team Leader | National Instruments | UK & Ireland
0 Kudos
Message 38 of 52


Thanks for your help.


0 Kudos
Message 39 of 52

Hello Adam,

Have tried the function DAQmxCreateDoChan and ReadDigitalLines / WriteDigitalLines and it worked fine. Thanks. But getting a error as " 0 " when i tried to get the position of lamp. Program is not crashing, getting the expected result but with a message "0" ,  What may cause this problem?


Message Edited by Support on 07-13-2007 01:30 PM

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Message 40 of 52